TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There and Back Again Month 12

It was the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain. So Bilbo guessed from Thorin's description; but indeed there could not be two such gems, even in so marvelous a hoard, even in all the world....The great jewel shone before his feet of its own inner light, and yet, cut and fashioned by the dwarves, who had dug it from the heart of the mountain long ago, it took all the light that fell upon it and changed it into ten thousand sparks of white radiance shot with glints of rainbow.
The Hobbit,  Chapter 13 

The Arkenstone, by Michelle Thompson

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
pieced (L-R) by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir , Schenley Pilgram & Jennifer Ofenstein

There And Back Again
Block of the Month
 >>>   Pattern 12   <<< 

There and Back Again is a collaborative effort between four Fandom In Stitches designers, Michelle Thompson, Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir, Schenley Pilgram, and Jennifer Ofenstein. 

We hope you enjoy this month's block, The Arkenstone, designed by Michelle Thompson.

Read more about our volunteers, the Fandom In Stitches Designers.

There and Back Again Monthly Pattern Posts:

All TABABOM patterns are paper pieced. A little lost? We have a full list of tutorials and other helpful information about paper piecing on our Help! page. 

If you have questions about the site or our Block of the Month, please check our FAQ page.
You can join us on our adventure by posting your photo of each month's block to the Fandom In Stitches flickr group. The first Tuesday of each month, a winner will be chosen at random from those participants that contributed photos. That winner will receive the prize donated by our awesome monthly sponsors!

September Sponsor

The September There and Back Again Sponsor is Sewhooked on Etsy, owned by Fandom In Stitches Chief Mugwump, Jennifer Ofenstein.

Share your There and Back Again photos with our flickr group for a chance to win a hard copy of In A Castle. During September, you can also get 10% off your total Etsy purchase by using coupon code TABBY.

Visit the Sewhooked Etsy Shop for for hard copy patterns, craft supplies and original handmade items. For PDF instant downloads, visit Sewhooked and Craftsy.

Remember, to be entered to win this month's prize, add your There and Back Again block photos to the Fandom In Stitches flickr group!  Only TABABOM photos from the flickr group that are posted in September will be eligible for this drawing.

Join the FiS group on Facebook to chat about your BOM or any other FiS project!

There and Back Again Signature Blocks

Signature Block Pattern

Reminder! The four TABABOM designers, Jennifer, Michelle, Lilja and Schenley, would be honored if you would consider sharing a signature block with each of us to help us commemorate your participation in There and Back Again.
In return for your signature blocks, the TABABOM Designers will donate $1 for each block received (per designer) to the Red Cross in our respective countries.

See the original blog post for more details.

Clicking through the ads on this site helps pay for Fandom In Stitches to exist...thanks for your support! 

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