TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Smaug is dead!

Month 12: September 5, 2012

We are two patterns away from finishing There and Back Again! Block 12 posts tomorrow and Block 13 in October. The October post will also include the quilt layout. We hope you're excited!

If you have contacted me in the last week,I would like to ask for your patience. I am experiencing major computer problems which is keeping my online time to a minimum. The issue will hopefully be resolved soon and we'll be back on track! TABABOM will post tomorrow as scheduled.
Call for Designers! 

Do the things you doodle end up coming to life in fabric? Do you love quilting fandom goodness? Do you like to see your original designs posted on fun websites like Fandom In Stitches?

Check out our Design Submission page and learn about becoming  a Fandom In Stitches Designer!

New On Fandom In Stitches
(click on the image to go to the pattern or tutorial)
? Block

flickr prize

Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away two prizes: One for There and Back Again participation and one for general participation. How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It'es easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using 
Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.

Want to sponsor a prize? Just drop us an email!

september 2012

The September flickr Prize was donated by FiS reader Paige. She created a quilted Gandalf using Schenley's Month 1 TABABOM pattern. Display it as is or use it as part of a bigger project! Also included are three fandom pin back buttons: Star Trek, Harry Potter and Doctor Who.

There and Back Again Monthly Pattern Posts: 

TABABOM photos from the FiS flickr group:

IMG_20120828_075109 IMG_20120828_075049
by snowie44

More great photos from flickr:
Harry Potter Quilt with matching Hogwarts Cushion Hogwarts Cushion
by tazarie

think geek august 28 2012
And just for fun...look what popped up on Twitter last week!
Follow us: @fandomNstitches.

There and Back Again Signature Blocks

Signature Block Pattern

Reminder! The four TABABOM designers, Jennifer, Michelle, Lilja and Schenley, would be honored if you would consider sharing a signature block with each of us to help us commemorate your participation in There and Back Again.
In return for your signature blocks, the TABABOM Designers will donate $1 for each block received (per designer) to the Red Cross in our respective countries.

See the original blog post for more details.

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