TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

MUSIC: Broadway!


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adv. beginner


adv. intermediate

***all patterns are rated by their respective designers***

Click on names or image to open pattern in a new tab or window.
Click on Designer name to go to that person's website (when available).

*     *     *

Editor's Note: There are many cross-overs between a variety of movie genres and Broadway, so patterns are placed in whichever category it was submitted under by the designer. We cross-post whenever possible. Some of these titles are NOT musicals, but they are Broadway productions.

*     *     *

General Broadway & Theatre

Broadway Playbills 
Quilt Finishing Instructions
requires 16 - 10" Broadway blocks
 + "Playbill" top. 
Find those here.
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
53" x 66"
Theater Playbill
13" x 36" paper pieced

9" x 45"
designed by Laura Shaffstall
Holly Urbain
10" x 15" paper pieced
Broadway Lights
designed by Holly Urbain
40" x 12" paper pieced with applique

Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Jane Korsberg
12" paper pieced
A Bronx Tale
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
10" paper pieced

Beauty & the Beast Playbill
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Book of Mormon
Laura Shaffstall
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery
Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced

Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery
Come From Away
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
A Chorus Line
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
A Chorus Line
Jane Korsberg
10" paper pieced
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
Top of Page


designed by Heidi Newell
5.5" x 10" paper pieced
Dear Evan Hansen (v2)
Laura Shaffstall
10" paper pieced
Death of a Salesman
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Holly Urbain
12" paper pieced
designed by Brooke Husgen
(@loveroflifedesigns on IG)
12" paper pieced

Fun Home
designed by Amber Cuthbert
10" paper pieced
Finding Neverland
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery

42nd Street
Angela Bennett
10" paper pieced
Funny Girl
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with embroidery
designed by Holly Urbain
12" paper pieced
Freaky Friday
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced

Fiddler on the Roof

Katie Olson
12" paper pieced

Top of Page

Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Grease Live!
Holly Urbain
5" x 10" paper pieced
Guys and Dolls
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced with hand embroidery

designed by Brooke Husgen
(@loveroflifedesigns on IG)
12" paper pieced
Harry Potter & the Cursed Child
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
10" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced

Into the Woods
Katie Olson
10" paper pieced

Top of Page

10" or 20" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
(includes mirror image pistols)
10" x 15" paper pieced
10"  & 20" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
The Schuyler Sisters (20")
Laura Shaffstall
10" & 20" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
10" x 34" paper pieced

He's Mine (20")
Laura Shaffstall
10" & 20" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" x 20" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced

Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
King Kong (from Playbill)
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Kinky Boots
Holly Urbain
5" x 10" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
Audrey II
(Little Shop of Horrors)
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery
Broadway Lion King
Jennifer Ofenstein
5" OR 12" paper pieced / PDF
Little Mermaid by Katie Olson, tested by Jessica Blacknall photo Tested Jessica Blacknall_zps6d3luxm1.jpg
The Little Mermaid

Katie Olson
10" paper pieced

Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced

Top of Page

Katie Olson
12" paper pieced
Miss Saigon
Dawn M. Hougland
12" paper pieced
Music Man
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced

 Mamma Mia
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
Holly Urbain
12" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
10" paper pieced
Newsies version shown
Newsies Boy Only
Newsies Red Bar Only
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced

Oklahoma designed by Katie Olson, tested by Laura S. photo Oklahoma-Laura Shaffstall_zpse8jwtenb.jpg

Katie Olson
10" finished
Jane Korsberg
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Peter Pan by Katie Olson, tested by Gabriele Beck photo peter pan by katie olson_zpsgj9qtxld.jpg
Peter Pan 

Katie Olson
12" paper pieced
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
Phantom of the Opera
Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced
Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced
Top of Page


Jennifer Ofenstein
5" x 10" paper pieced / PDF

A Strange Loop
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Katie Olson
10" paper pieced
Katie Olson
10" paper pieced
Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced
Sweeney Todd
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
Six the Musical
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
The Sound of Music
Brooke Husgen
12" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Top of Page

10" paper pieced
15" paper pieced
Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced
Wizard of Oz Playbill
Laura Shaffstall
10" paper pieced
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with opt embroidery
designed by Holly Urbain
tested by Jane Korsberg
10" paper pieced
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Charlie Brown & Snoopy with Moon 
(You're a Good Man Charlie Brown)
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced
Top of Page

  Fandom In Stitches and its designers do not hold copyright on any fandom titles on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only out of respect for the fandoms we love. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.