TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Friday, January 21, 2011


Look for Harry Potter in the main menu at the top of the website.
 Various other Children's titles can be found across Fandom in Stitches.


adv. beginner


adv. intermediate


Click on names or photo to open pattern in a new tab or window.

Chronicles of Narnia


Schenley Pilgram
paper pieced
Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
5" paper pieced 
The light of Narnia
Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
8" paper pieced
Reep 1
Thorn Trace
8" x 6" embroidered
Bless Me stitch - Narnia2
Bless Me!
Julia Murtha
7 1/2" embroidered
Aslan: Not A Tame Lion
Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered
top of page

Doctor Seuss

2 fish_pic_hardharcat
Cat Magraith
5" paper pieced 
Cat in the Hat -  Bowl
Michelle Thompson
5" paper pieced 

8" x 5 5/8" pp

photo SeussHat_zpsad43ed39.jpg
Elizabeth Mosher
5" paper pieced

Katie Olson
12" x 9" paper pieced
Katie Olson
6.5" x 8" paper pieced
Katie Olson
7"x 9.5" paper pieced
Katie Olson
10" x 6.5" paper pieced
Sam I Am
8" x 12" paper pieced
Katie Olson
7" x 12" paper pieced
Katie Olson
12" x 8" paper pieced
The Lorax
designed by Holly Urbain
@tbasco33 on IG
12" x 14" paper pieced
The Lorax Title
designed by Holly Urbain
@tbasco33 on IG
25" x 12" paper pieced
Truffula Tree 1
(The Lorax)
designed by Holly Urbain
@tbasco33 on IG
tested by Sherri Roberts
7" x 20" paper pieced
Truffula Tree 2
(The Lorax)
designed by Holly Urbain
@tbasco33 on IG
tested by Sherri Roberts
6" x 15" paper pieced
Truffula Tree 3
(The Lorax)
designed by Holly Urbain
@tbasco33 on IG
tested by Sherri Roberts
7" x 12" paper pieced
(Cat in the Hat)
designed by Roxanne Ludwig
@roxludwig on IG
12" x 18" paper pieced with optional hand embroidery


Nancy Drew

(Bookcase Block)
Sarah Powell
10" paper pieced
top of page

Paddington Bear(Live action w/animation)
Renee Boucher
(@icecube_doescrafts on IG)
20" paper pieced with embroidery
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Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter)

Vanda Chittenden
10" paper pieced
(from Ratatouille)
Holly Urbain
6" paper pieced with embroidery
top of page

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Eric Carle)

Jennifer Larimore
6" x 10" paper pieced
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Jennifer Larimore
10" x 20" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
10" x 15" paper pieced

10" x 20" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
10" x 15" paper pieced

Jennifer Larimore
10" x 15" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced
Ice Cream
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced

Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced

Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
8" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
5" x 8" paper pieced
new row
@loveroflifedesigns on IG
8" x 29 1/4" paper pieced
top of page

The Wizard of Oz
find more Wizard of Oz under Musicals

10" x 10" paper pieced
Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
5" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced & embroidered
Michelle Thompson
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced & embroidered
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced

Geometric Tesseract: A Wrinkle in Time
Figurative Tesseract from A Wrinkle in Time

top of page

Bookcase Block
designed by  Renee Boucher
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery
Janner Igiby
Wingfeather Saga
designed by Renee Boucher
12" x 16" paper pieced with optional embroidery
Quilt Ghost
inspired by "The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt" by Riel Nason
designed by Hayley Ward
@SewPaperDesigns on IG
16" paper pieced
(Book Version)
designed by Renee Boucher
10" paper pieced w/optional embroidery
designed by Holly Urbain @tbasco33
10" x 20" paper pieced with embroidery
designed by Holly Urbain @tbasco33
10" paper pieced with embroidery

top of page

  Fandom In Stitches and its designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.