TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Monday, April 4, 2011


This page includes Mickey Mouse & Friends as well as Disney titles made before the 1980s.
Sword in the Stone | Winnie the Pooh

The following categories have their own pattern archives:


adv. beginner


adv. intermediate


***patterns are rated by their respective designers and/or pattern testers***
Click on pattern name under picture to open pattern.
Click on designer name to go that person's website.

April - June 2018
Designed & Hosted by Alida (TweLoQ)

Week 1
Alida (TweLoQ)
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 2
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''

block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 3
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''

block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 4
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20'
Week 5
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 6
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 7
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 8
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 9
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 10
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 11
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 12
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 13
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''
Week 13
Fusible Applique
block only: 12'' x 12''
block with sashing: 20'' x 20''

Kathy Borelli
12" paper pieced
Cruella de Ville
Jennifer Larimore
12" x 15" paper pieced
photo cruellabylynne_zps893df50a.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & embr

Cruella deVil  Perfume Bottle (101 Dalmatians)
Holly Urbain
10" x 5.5" paper pieced

Bambi's Friend Owl
10" paper pieced
Bambi and Thumper
Bambi & Thumper
Daphne Seymour
15" x 30" paper pieced
Just Thumper
9" x 10" paper pieced
Kathy Borelli
20" x 30" paper pieced

Holly U
12" paper pieced

(with bookcase instructions)
designed by Holly Urbain
tested by Heidi Newell
10" paper pieced with embroidery

photo DumbotestedbyInezLarsen_zps753310cd.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
16" pp & embr
Kathy Borrelli
15" x 17 1/2" paper pieced
photo TimothytestedbyInezLarsen_zpsfdc7d7b4.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
8" pp & embr

The Fox & the Hound

Tod (Young)
Jennifer Larimore
10" x 15" paper pieced + opt embroidery
Jennifer Larimore
10" paper pieced + opt embroidery

Jennifer Larimore
10" or 15" paper pieced

Jennifer Larimore
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
Jennifer Larimore
10" paper pieced
Bookcase Block
(@nerdynquilty on IG) 
10" paper pieced
Kathy Borrelli
20" x 30" paper pieced
Kathy Borelli
10" x 13" paper pieced
photo 31324642904_48d410e426_o_zpsck9w0npx.jpg
Jungle Book Bookcase Block
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
Laura Shaffstall
(@somecallmelolly on IG)
10" paper pieced
(4 - 10" blocks to spread across two rows, see pattern for instructions)
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
10" paper pieced
photo sherekhantestedbyjoanne_zpseb3554b0.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & embr
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced w/opt embroidery
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced w/opt embroidery
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced

(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced

(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced

(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced

(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
(@nerdynquilty on IG)
15" paper pieced
15" x 49" paper pieced
15" x 49" paper pieced

Jennifer Tanner
6" paper pieced 
pp & embr.
12" x 9" pp & embr
12" x 6" paper pieced
Pattern from tweloquilting.blogspot.com tested by Inez
12" x 12" paper pieced & embroidery
12" x 14" paper pieced & embr.
12" x 13" pp & embr
12" x 16" pp & embr
12" x 7" pp & embr
12" x 8" pp & embr
12" x 10.5" pp & embr
12" x 18" pp & embr
12" x 14.5" pp & embr
12" x 9" pp & embr
20" x 20" paper pieced
Kristi Lehane
18" x 17" paper pieced
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
photo mickey and minnie_zps5zpqvfrr.jpg
Kathy Borrelli
26" x 34" paper pieced
21" paper pieced
21" paper pieced

21" paper pieced
21" paper pieced
Mickey Mouse Head (version 2)
11" paper pieced
11" paper pieced
12" paper pieced with embroidery (each)
12" x 24" as shown
designed by Kelly Decker
@BlueButterflyQuilter on IG
10" or 12" paper pieced with hand embroidery
Julia Murtha
7 1/2" x 7" embr & marker
Quilt&Stitch TestAlong, Mickey Mouse-Donald Duck
pp & embr.
Quilt&Stitch TestAlong, Mickey Mouse-Donald Duck 
pp & embr.
Kristi Lehane
17 3/4" x 10" paper pieced
Krist Lehane
27" x 37" paper pieced
Mary Poppins
10" paper pieced
(Lambert the Sheepish Lion)
Kathy Borrelli
10" x 15" paper pieced
The Star of Astoroth
(Bookcase Block)
Bedknobs & Broomsticks
designed by Laura Shaffstall 
10" paper pieced with embroidery
Kathy Borrelli
9" paper pieced
(Lady & the Tramp)
Kathy Borrelli
8" x 10 1/2" paper pieced

(Pete's Dragon bookcase block)
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
Lady in the Mirror
(Lady & the Tramp)
Holly Urbain
15.5" x 12" paper pieced
(Lady & the Tramp)
Kathleen Borrelli & Laura Shaffstall (@somecallmelolly)
10" x 20" paper pieced
designed by Kathy Borrelli
12" paper pieced

(with bookcase instructions)
designed by Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with embroidery (when books are added)

Captain Hook Bookcase Block
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
Katie Olson
10" paper pieced & embr
Katie Olson
10" paper pieced & embr

Katie Olson
10" paper pieced & embr
Tiger Lily
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced

Michelle Thompson
10" paper pieced w/embr
Peter Pan
Peter Pan

Michelle Thompson
10" paper pieced w/embr
Holly Urbain
6" paper pieced
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Jennifer Larimore
12" x 15" paper pieced
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
photo HooktestedbyJoanne_zps01db1648.jpg
Captain Hook
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & embr
Renee Boucher
 (@icecube_doescrafts on IG)
10" paper pieced

12" paper pieced

Penny's Teddy
(The Rescuers)
Holly Urbain
10" paper pieced with embroidery
photo MadameMedusatestedbyAlexandraCirinna_zps28a10edc.jpg
(The Rescuers)
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & embr

(Rescuers Down Under)
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & embr

Medusa Perfume Bottle
Holly Urbain
9" x 3.3" paper pieced


(Robin Hood Bookcase Block)
10" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced

10" x 15" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
15" paper pieced
15" paper pieced
15" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
10" x 15" paper pieced
Prince John Perfume Bottle 
Holly Urbain
10" x 6.5" paper pieced


Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 1, The Tower
The Tower
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 2, The Sugar Pot
The Sugar Pot
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 3, The Crown
The Crown
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 5, The Wise Fish
The Wise Fish
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 7, Merlin
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" x 20" pp
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 8, The Future King
Future King
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 10, Upside down Archimedes
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 11, Madam Mim Face
Madam Min Face
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 12, Merlin back from the Barbados
Barbados Merlin
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 16, Sir Kay
Sir Kay
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" x 20" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 13, Arthur Having Tea
Arthur Having Tea
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 17, King Arthur
King Arthur
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" x 20" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 18, The Sword in the Stone
The Sword 
in the Stone
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" x 20" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 14, Wizard's Battle
Battle of the Wizards
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 9, Madam Mim
Madam Mim
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" x 20" pp
Disney Mystery Quilt, Block 4, The Squirrels
The Squirrels
Alida (TweLoQ)
10" paper pieced
10" paper pieced
photo PoohbyLyyneS_zpsc53be514.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo PigletbyLynneS_zpsb5f198ac.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo OwlbyLynneS_zps8b52073e.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo ChristopherRobinbyLynne_zpsf5e36aff.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo GopherbyLynne_zps12730f8a.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo HeffalumpbyLynne_zpsc7658883.jpg 
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
 photo RabbitbyLynne_zps21a9269a.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo KessiebyLynne_zpse3f03ed4.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo RoobyLynne_zps82f76e14.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo EeyorebyLynneS_zps64525af4.jpg 
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo KangabyLynne_zps033190ec.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo TiggerbyLynne_zps8dde2af3.jpg
Lynne Schwarz 
10" pp & emb
photo 30368249783_dbee5f9407_o_zpszvivf0ik.jpg
Kristi Lehane
10" paper pieced
Kathy Borrelli
12" paper pieced

Kanga & Roo
Kathy Borrelli
15" paper pieced

designed by Kathy Borrelli
30" paper pieced
designed by Kathy Borrelli
25 x 35"" paper pieced

Pooh's Honey Pot
(bookcase block)
designed by Rose S.
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery

Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.