TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday Photos & Labyrinth Design Invitational!

You are cordially invited participate in the creation of even more awesome Labyrinth quilt patterns by joining in on our Design Invitational!

Please read ALL RULES carefully before submitting patterns.

* * *

The Goblin King - A Labyrinth Quilt & Stitch Along
 Design Invitational 
Participation Rules
  • Design an original pattern to supplement The Goblin King.
  • Patterns must be completely original and created by the submitting designer. Designs may not use any part of a another designer's pattern, including, but not limited to, those designs shared on fandominstitches.com
  • Please check out the quilt layouts and the Labyrinth Archive BEFORE designing your pattern. Invitational designs are intended as supplements to the existing patterns. Please keep this in mind when designing.
  • Designs based on other, non-quilt artwork art (including fan art) must include written permission from the artist. 
  • Patterns can be any technique. Suggested sizes are 6" (6 1/2" unfinished) or 9" (9 1/2"). Other sizes are accepted.
  • Make your pattern and take a photo. Only tested patterns with photos of the design in fabric will be included on fandominstitches.com.
  • Please include your name (online or real), pattern finished size, your blog, social media, contact information and/or anything else you feel is pertinent to your pattern.
  • Patterns should also include the following text, "Designed for the #labyrinthquilt Design Invitational on fandominstitches.com."
  • Submit your pattern using our submission form no later than Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at Noon CST (U.S.).
  • PDF patterns can be hand drawn or created using graphic design software as long as they are clear and easy to follow. For helpful information, including software suggestions, see Be A Designer.
  • Google Drive is a great way to share pattern files (it's free to use for anyone with a Gmail account and files can be updated as needed). Patterns can also be emailed to ofenjen@fandominstitches.com and they will be hosted by Fandom In Stitches. Pattern submissions will not be accepted via Facebook or other social media.
  • On Wednesday, May 31, 2017, all #labyrinthquilt Design Invitational patterns will be posted right here on Fandom In Stitches to share with our quilting community!
  • One lucky designer will win a fun prize in a random drawing!
ONLY patterns following these rules will be considered for posting on FiS.

Share your design for a chance to win this fun commemorative shirt!
Questions? Leave them in comments or email ofenjen@fandominstitches.com!

Do you have a pile of Fandom in Stitches' UFOs (UnFinished Objects) that are covered in dust?
Dig them out and dust them off because we are finishing UFOs as a group in June & July

       Evee photo Eevee by Angela Gross_zps0y3tilqz.jpg  Cinderella's Lady Mice clickboom1 battleofyorktown 10duelcommandments Yoshi Egg photo Yoshi Egg JM_zpsvvac3whq.jpg   

flickr prize

May 2017 fandominstitches.com prize
May Prize:
Sulky Paper SolvyHuion Tracing Paper, & Shrinky Dinks courtesy of sewhooked.com.

Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a Flickr prize for general participation.

How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our Flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to Flickr are eligible to win.

Why share via Flickr? It's the best way for me to post your photos right here on fandominstitiches.comEvery Tuesday, we have a virtual show & tell called Tuesday Photos so everyone following along can see an entire week's picture in one place every Tuesday. 

Would you like to be a sponsor in 2017? Sponsors give away a single monthly prize and we link to your website or store the entire month of your sponsorship. Prizes need to be fandom-themed, fabric, or something that a FiS community member would enjoy. 

Only projects made from patterns available on fandominstitches.com will be shared here.  

Designers & pattern testers, your blocks will be featured in "new on Fandom In Stitches." Please wait to post test blocks until they have been featured on fandominstitches.com. Thanks!

by Jessica Clippinger

16 Goblin King's Canon Ball Goblin 17 Four Guards 15 Junk LadyFinal 14 Ambrosius 13 - Sir Didymus 12 Firey 11 Ludo 08 Right Door Knocker 07 Left Door Knocker 06 Goblin 2 05 Wiseman 04 Ello Worm 03 Hoggle 02 Goblin 1
by Clean My Blender

War Doctor AKA 8.5
by mommaquilter

IMG_4883 Blue bird Pascal
by Celine Chabot

by hannamc21

4 guards _mono 4 guards _color
by K Made-It

Need help posting? Not seeing your photos? 
Check out this post for more information.


Looking for our general Fandom in Stitches Facebook group? You can join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness right here!

Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group for a chance to win one of our fabulous monthly prizes! You receive one entry for each project. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.



  Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.

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Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!