Wednesdays @8am CST
January - March 2023
Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, A Percy Jackson Quilt Along, designed by Holly Urbain! All patterns will be shared and archived on this website,
This amazing quilt along will include over 30 brand-new patterns will 11 quilt finishing options!
This quilt along is presented free for personal & non-profit use only. It is designed by fans, for fans.
Holly has created many wonderful options for this quilt along. It's up to you to decide what your final product will be. Be sure to scroll past this week's blocks to see some of the amazing quilt options that will be coming at the end of our QAL!
Difficulty Level is 1-5
11 quilt options designed by Holly Urbain
(9 shown, see document for all 11!)
This thorough document includes fabric amounts for quilts and the number of blocks needed for all the designs you see below.
Also included are fabric amounts for EVERY block that will be shared in this quilt along.
This is an amazing resource that has been provided by the designer to save or print for quilt planning!
by Holly Urbain
Various sizes
Finishing Instructions to be posted at the end of the event.
Here are some additional things to know about this event:
- Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, A Percy Jackson Quilt Along was designed by Holly Urbain!
- All patterns have been tested for accuracy by Britney Lachelle, Kimberly Wilkins, Jane Korsberg, & Holly Urbain.
- This event is hosted on Fandom in Stitches & these posts are written by Jennifer Ofenstein.
- All posts will go live weekly on Wednesdays at 8 am CST.
- All blocks are paper pieced, some include embroidery.
- Blocks vary in size. Multiple quilt finishing options will be shared weekly so you know which blocks to make for your quilt.
- Patterns are rated 1 out of 5 by difficulty (1 being the simplest, 5 being the most complex).
- JOIN the Camp Half-Blood Quilt Along Facebook Group to share your progress, ask questions, and for general community support! Looking for our general fandom quilting group? You can find that here.
- New Pattern archive coming soon: Look for that to be listed under both Children's Literature and Science Fiction & Fantasy!
- Every pattern on is design by fans for fans. Our patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Patterns are not to be used for manufacture or distribution. Sale of these patterns, quilts, projects, photos, etc. made from these pattern is prohibited. No infringement of any kind is intended. Please support official movies & merchandise. We wouldn't be fans without them!
- For best results with paper pieced patterns, print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive, uncheck “fit to page.” See your printer instructions for more details if needed.
- Need to learn to paper piece? Check out our Quilting Help page for lots of awesome tutorial links!
- Posting on social media? We are: Fandom in Stitches on Facebook, @FandomNStitches on Twitter, @fandominstitches on Instagram, Everywhere - #fandominstitches, #percyjacksonqal2023
Look what's next! We hope you'll join us.

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