TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Year of Doom - Multi-fandom Bookcase Quilt Along WEEK THIRTY-FOUR

Hello, friends, and WELCOME!

It's 2021 and we're celebrating the 10th anniversary 
of both Fandom in Stitches AND The Project of Doom 
with a year-long multi-fandom bookcase quilt along! 

 ✨ This quilt along is Mix & Match!  

Make the blocks you want to personalize 
your fandom quilt, supplement
with any other designs you may like, 
and skip the rest!

In case you missed it, you can
check out our
Design Invitational Guidelines here!

There will be more Bookcase Blocks in 2022! 
We had many, many blocks submitted after the submission deadline when our schedule had already been completed for this event. 
Look for those as regular, non-quilt-along posts next year!

August to October we will be sharing Horror Movie themed blocks! 
We'll finish up mid-October, just in time for you to have a 
finished bookcase quilt for Halloween!

As a reminder, the blocks you choose to make are up to you! There are approximately 100 new 10" block designs coming this year. We encourage you to make what you want and supplement with our original Project of Doom blocks for your own super-personalized Multi-Fandom Bookcase Quilt!

(@somecallmelolly on IG)

tested by Stormy Jenner
10" paper pieced

(@somecallmelolly on IG)
tested by Stormy Jenner
10" paper pieced

The sample patterns below can be used with the 
smaller pattern of your choice!

(click for LOTS more patterns)

2015 Block 1 - update     

Things to know about this event:
  • A Year of Doom - Multi-fandom Bookcase Quilt Along is our 10th Anniversary celebration for both our website and our first big quilt along, The Project of Doom, a Harry Potter Bookcase Quilt Along (2011)!
  • All patterns have been designed by volunteers and their names will be noted with each post.  
  • Each pattern has been tested for accuracy. Pattern testers are listed with the patterns they have tested.
  • This event is hosted on Fandom in Stitches & these posts are written by Jennifer Ofenstein.
  • A Year of Doom - Multi-fandom Bookcase Quilt Along  patterns will be posted weekly on Wednesdays through 2021 at 8 am CST.
  • Most blocks are paper pieced, but a few have hand embroidery or applique. We will be sharing these patterns with a variety of quilt finishing instructions, bonus blocks, plus any Design Invitational patterns our quilting community chooses to share, all right here on fandominstitches.com. 
  • All Blocks are 10" (10 1/2" unfinished) unless otherwise noted.
  • Patterns are rated 1 out of 5 by difficulty (1 being the simplest, 5 being the most complex).
  • Multi-Fandom patterns have their own pattern archive Bookcase Quilts in the main menu. You can find that here.
  • Our Design Invitational for this event will be for ALTERNATIVE FINISHING INSTRUCTIONS. More details about that will be coming later this year!
  • JOIN OUR Facebook Group to share your progress, ask questions, and for general community support!
  • Every pattern on fandominstitches.com is design by fans for fans. Our patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Patterns are not to be used for manufacture or distribution. Sale of these patterns, quilts, projects, photos, etc. made from these pattern is prohibited. No infringement of any kind is intended.  Please support official movies & merchandise. We wouldn't be fans without them!
  • For best results with paper pieced patterns, print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive, uncheck “fit to page.” See your printer instructions for more details if needed.
  • Need to learn to paper piece? Check out our Quilting Help page for lots of awesome tutorial links!

The Year of Doom T-Shirt
Are you playing along? Consider supporting our website 
with your very own The Year of Doom T-Shirt or other fun Fandom in Stitches themed product from our Zazzle Shop!
Proceeds from sales pay for our website, image hosting, and prizes for our quilting community. All of our designers are volunteers. We don't sell or profit from our patterns in any way. ♥

Looking for something completely different?
Check out our Pattern Archive Pages
at the top of every Fandom in Stitches page!

  Fandom In Stitches and its designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.

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