TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday Photos

The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg

Join us TOMORROW for Week 24 in our Project of Doom Quilt Along! Oh my goodness, the end is NEAR!

Keep reading to see our June prizes!


flickr prize

June 2015 flickr participation prize for fandominstitches.com
The June winner will receive this Moda Jelly Roll (Park Avenue) courtesy of Lady Bug, Debbie B!

Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a flickr prize for general participation. How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.

Would you like to be a sponsor in 2015? Sponsors give away a single monthly prize and we link to your website or store the entire month of your sponsorship. Prizes need to be fandom-themed, fabric, or something that a FiS community member would enjoy. Email Jennifer to sponsor a month in 2015!

PoD Participation Prize, June 2015

Are you making the Project of Doom during our 2015 Quilt Along? Share your PoD photos with our Fandom In Stitches Flickr group for a chance to win a fun Harry Potter-themed prize!

The May winner will receive a fat quarter of licensed Harry Potter themed fabric, a Fandom in Stitches button and enough Jelly Bean fabric for his or her Project of Doom quilt!

Since this prize is coming out of my own stash, only photos of blocks made from my original patterns (unaltered/unedited) PoD are eligible to win.

Why share via flickr? It's the best way for me to post your photos right here on fandominstitiches.comEvery Tuesday, we have a virtual show & tell called Tuesday Photos so everyone following along can see an entire week's picture in one place every Tuesday. 

Please note that only projects from patterns 
available on fandominstitches.com will be shared here. 

Pattern testers, please wait until your designer's patterns have been posted before sharing with the flickr group in order to be entered in the monthly drawing. Thanks!

Week 23
by Rachel Hanson

by Debra Visser

Project of Doom Week 4 2015 Week 7
by Suziecurls

by Michelle Tuller

IMG_20150607_123814 IMG_20150607_123733
by Steph Beardsley

DSCN3743 . . . Harry's wand for the charity POD quilt that Marnie Fera is putting together for the United Way.
by Nicole Hung

PoD Block 23 PoD Blocks 21-22 Phoenix Feather
by craftytokyomama

Polyjuice A little reading by candle light Sorting Hat
by Elizabeth Phillippi

wk12 wk16 wk14 - Elder Wand by Michelle Thompson wk23 - Triwizard Cup by Connie Tessier & Potions by craftylilthing wk10 - Golden Egg by Michelle Thompson wk11 - 2011 wk21-22 - 2011 wk9 wk19 + TARDIS by Jennifer Ofenstein
by Clean My Blender

by Michelle Tuller

Aurora. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches. Megara. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches.
by hannahmc21

Harry Potter blocks Harry Potter blocks
Pam @ Hip to be a Square

Week 23 PoD
by Rainey Turner

Untitled Block 23
by linda_greenlawfirm

IMG_2681 IMG_2682
by Laurava23233

POD ock 19. Getting closer to caught up..
by kimcasa_2000

DSCN5293 DSCN5292 DSCN5291 DSCN5290 DSCN5289 DSCN5288 Finally caught up DSCN5285
by Debra Visser

POD Week Nineteen
by Sarah Jane Sews

Untitled Untitled
by kerryberry

Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details Sorting hat and Crookshanks image Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details Project of Doom Quilt I'm making with pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein. See Fandom In Stitches for details
by MegRuth Stay

by Annie Purcell

Block 5- Pod 2015
by Heather Hansen

Quill Student's hat
by Tereza Kulovaná

If your Flickr Photos have not been showing up on Fandom In Stitches for Tuesday Photos, go to your Flickr account settings and look for privacy and permissions.  Photos marked as "private" can be shared with the flickr group, but cannot be posted elswhere.

  • Craftsy
  • Still looking to learn? Take a class AND support Fandom In Stitches at the same time!

Don't quilt alone! Join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness on the Fandom In Stitches Facebook Group! 

Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group for a chance to win one of our fabulous monthly prizes! You receive one entry for each project. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.


The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg

Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.

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Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!