TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Photos

The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg

Join us TOMORROW for Week 17 in our Project of Doom Quilt Along

Keep reading to see our April prizes!

Last week, it was brought to our attention that a vendor at a comic expo was illegally selling Fandom In Stitches patterns. Our patterns are NEVER for sale. If you see someone selling FiS patterns anywhere, virtual or brick & mortar, they are doing so without our legal consent. We are waiting for new information on the situation and we thank everyone that has reached out to help with this situation.

 Kick Ass photo Kick-Ass_zpsiqxaeaog.png X-Men photo X-Men_zpsfkqseaem.png Greatest American Hero photo Greatest American Hero_zpss0yvpfob.png Pepe Horde by Luz  2015 PoD Update Block 16 2015 PoD Update Block 16 - Arnold the Pygmy Puff variation 2015 PoD Update Block 16 - Simple Book Variation

flickr prize

April 2015 Flickr Participation prize
The April prize is for one necklace in the Hogwarts House colors of the winner's choosing. Matching bracelet included! Courtesy o Jaylene.

Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a flickr prize for general participation. How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.

Would you like to be a sponsor in 2015? Sponsors give away a single monthly prize and we link to your website or store the entire month of your sponsorship. Prizes need to be fandom-themed, fabric, or something that a FiS community member would enjoy. Email Jennifer to sponsor a month in 2015!

April 2015 PoD Particiation Prize

Welcome to our special Harry Potter-themed prize donated by me for sharing your 2015 PoD photos with our Fandom In Stitches Flickr group

The April winner will receive two pieces piece of licensed Harry Potter themed fabric, a collectible Goblet of Fire Sticker Book,  a Fandom in Stitches button and enough Jelly Bean fabric for his or her Project of Doom quilt!

Since this prize is coming out of my own stash, only photos of blocks made from my original patterns (unaltered/unedited) PoD are eligible to win.

Why share via flickr? It's the best way for me to post your photos right here on fandominstitiches.comEvery Tuesday, we have a virtual show & tell called Tuesday Photos so everyone following along can see an entire week's picture in one place every Tuesday. 

Winners to be announced Tuesday, May 5, 2015!

Please note that only projects from patterns 
available on fandominstitches.com will be shared here. 

Pattern testers, please wait until your designer's patterns have been posted before sharing with the flickr group in order to be entered in the monthly drawing. Thanks!

The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along - Block 15 (Peacock Feather Quill variation)

PoD for my sister, block 15 (Peacock Feather Quill Variation) PoD for my sister, block 16 (Pygmy Puff Variation)
by Jennifer Ofenstein

Week 16 block Week 15 Ripped book
by Jessica Hart

Merida. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches Merida. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches Jasmine. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches. Jasmine. Paper pieced. Fandom in Stitches.
by hannahmc21

by Abbie D

Week 16
by Rachel Hanson

2nd quilt block 16 Peppermint Patty 1st quilt block 13 2nd quilt block 13 2nd quilt block 12 2nd quilt block 11 2nd quilt block 15 2nd quilt block 14
by Diane K

Phebe's PoD BoW 14
by Julia Murtha

POD 16 002 pod15 001
by Terri Johnson

by Victoria Smith

block 9 block 8 block 12 block 15 block 13 block 10 block 11 block 14
by Catherine Jones

Elder wand, Pod quilt a long. Voldemort's wand, Pod quilt a long. Harry's wand, Pod quilt a long. Quirrels turban Pod quilt a long Sweetums monster block, Pod quilt a long. Butter beer block. Pod quilt a long. Sherry bottle block with a twist, Pod quilt a long
by Vanda Chittenden

IMG_5547 IMG_5545 IMG_5543 IMG_5542 IMG_5215
by Carri_Page

2015-04-26 20.50.38 Pod 2015 Pod 2015 2015-04-25 22.00.12
by Nancy Roraback

by Michelle Tuller

Week 12 B Pixie block week 16a week 16 horntail1
by Kristina Colon

JRRT Block for Linus Block 13 Block 11 Block 10 Block 9
by Tereza Kulovaná

Harry Potter POD blocks Harry Potter POD blocks
by Pam @ Hip to be a Square

He's so grumpy. I love him!
by Kathy

Peppermint Patty Marcie Franklin IMG_4573_resize
by calicojoan

Week 12
by Robin Wayne

Block 15, quilt 2 Block 15, quilt 1
by gidg94

Silver Block 15 - Peacock & Ink
by Jaylene Weber

Block 13 of the Project of Doom QAL
by Tessa Williams

IMG_0487 IMG_0499
by Tammy Cude

by Laurava23233

by kitkat61277

WP_20150314_17_07_09_Pro WP_20150415_17_10_51_Pro WP_20150422_17_29_15_Pro WP_20150409_20_00_39_Pro WP_20150405_19_57_56_Pro WP_20150309_19_33_16_Pro 1
by Amanda Vargas

If your Flickr Photos have not been showing up on Fandom In Stitches for Tuesday Photos, go to your Flickr account settings and look for privacy and permissions. It most likely has been reset to "no." Change this to "yes" and your photos will be sharable here on Tuesday Photos. Thanks to everyone for bearing with us after the recent Flickr changes. 

  • Craftsy
  • Still looking to learn? Take a class AND support Fandom In Stitches at the same time!

Don't quilt alone! Join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness on the Fandom In Stitches Facebook Group! 

Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group for a chance to win one of our fabulous monthly prizes! You receive one entry for each project. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.


The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg

Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.

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Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!