TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harry Potter PoD Quilt Along - Block One

The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg

Welcome, welcome to the 2015 Project of Doom Quilt Along right here on fandominstitches.com!

Before we get started there are some important things you need to know.

About The Project of Doom:
  • This is the original Harry Potter-inspired Bookcase Quilt called The Project of Doom (PoD), designed by me, Jennifer Ofenstein in 2011, but many of the patterns have received minor updates and all will now include a size scale so you can check your pattern size before you stitch. 
  • There will be some alternative patterns presented. Some blocks will include alternative pieces and, in some cases, entire alternative blocks. 
  • For those of you looking to create a Dark Arts version, I have plans for that, too!
  • The original patterns will continue to be available, so if you prefer to use the 2011 pattern, that's a-okay!
  • All Project of Doom patterns are 100% free and they will stay that way. These patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Not to be used for manufacture or distribution. Sale of this pattern or quilts made from this pattern is prohibited.
    About the Quilt Along:
    • Like the original Project of Doom, our 2015 Quilt Along will be one presented one quilt block a week (with an occasional bonus/alternative) on each Wednesday for 30 weeks.
    • All Project of Doom QAL activities, prizes, etc. will be posted on fandominstitches.com.
    • Want to have lots of friends to talk to while you stitch? Join the Project of Doom Facebook Group!
    • Join the QAL at anytime during 2015 and work at your own pace. There is no penalty for starting late.
    • If you've already started your PoD quilt, you are more than welcome to join us! It helps on a project like this to be cheered along by friends!
    • .If you're looking to design your own PoD blocks...just you wait, we'll have a special week to share your patterns at the end of the Quilt Along!
    And now... BLOCK ONE!

    2015 Block 1 - update

    Block 12015 Version
    All blocks finish 10" (10 1/2" unfinished)

    As you can see, we are starting with the same Block 1 as the original Project of Doom!

    The Block 1 pattern has been updated to create a slightly rounder crystal ball on a smaller base. The books are unchanged.

    *both Alternative Options below are included in the Block 1 2015 Pattern Update*
    2015 Block 1 - update extra book 2015 Block 1 - alternative
    Left - Block 1 with extra book on the left instead of background fabric
    Right - Block 1 with alternative base for Crystal Ball

    POD-Week 01
    Block 1, 2011 version

    If you prefer the original block, you can find it at the link above.

    All original Project of Doom patterns will continue to be available on the Harry Potter page right here on Fandom In Stitches. I will be adding the new versions to the Harry Potter page as we go!

    Useful Info
    • For best results print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive (where this file is hosted) uncheck “fit to page..” See your printer instructions for more details if needed. Scale included on every page for your convenience.
    • On the actual pattern, WHITE indicates background fabric. All other colors are approximate representations (colors are intentionally light to save ink), but you are welcome to use any fabric colors you may choose.
    • All patterns finish 10" (10 1/2" unfinished). Seam allowance is included.
    • You will need approximately 3 yards of background fabric for individual blocks plus optional quilt border. You'll also need various amounts of scrap fabrics for books and magical objects. 
    • To complete your quilt, you will also need 1 yard of “shelf” fabric. 100% quilting cotton is recommended for best results. Fabric amounts are for optional layouts finishing 61”x 78” - 63” x82”. Different quilt layouts may require more fabric.
    • Want to add book titles? A list of titles from the series is here.
    • Get help with paper piecing, embroidery and more on our Quilting Help page!
    • Visit sewhooked.com for paper piecing help including video and text tutorials created by me.

    flickr prize

    January 2015 PoD Participation Prize

    Welcome to the first Harry Potter-themed prize donated by me for sharing your 2015 PoD photos with our Fandom In Stitches Flickr group

    The January winner will receive the officially licensed Harry Potter fabric seen here, a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and enough Jelly Bean fabric for his or her Project of Doom quilt!

    Since this prize is coming out of my own stash, only blocks made from my original patterns (unaltered/unedited) are eligible to win.

    Why share via flickr? It's the best way for me to post your photos right here on fandominstitiches.comEvery Tuesday, we have a virtual show & tell called Tuesday Photos so everyone following along can see an entire week's picture in one place every Tuesday. 

    Project of Doom 2015 - Signature Block

    If you've participated in events like this with me before, then you know that I LOVE signature quilts! I'd like to invite everyone participating in the 2015 Project of Doom Quilt Along to share a block for a special 2015 Signature Quilt. This quilt is my way of remembering everyone that quilted along in 2015.

    EDITED TO ADD: Hand or machine embroidery, printed fabric, fabric pen, marker, or stenciled with fabric paint/pen, etc. are all acceptable. Please, no iron-ons or transfers.

    Want to make blocks, but don't need a whole quilt? Have you made blocks in the past but would like to start over?

    I'm collecting Project of Doom blocks all year long to make fun charity quilts for The Linus Connection, which provides quilts for kids in crisis Central Texas!

    If you have blocks to donate, you can get my mailing address from the Signature Block pattern (above). Donations to The Linus Connection are tax deductible in the U.S. If you'd like a receipt, please let me know when you send your blocks.

    EDITED TO ADD: If you're located in Australia, a member of the Project of Doom Facebook group will be collecting blocks for Sunshine Coast Linus based out of Queensland. Join our group for more information.

    The Project of Doom 2015 Quilt Along on Fandom In Stitches photo PoD2015ComingSoon_zpsf2dd6a6c.jpg
    Share this banner on your blog or website by copying & pasting the html below!


    Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.


    1. <3 Jennifer! Thanks for the attention to detail ... You are incredible!

    2. Jennifer, love the new version of the crystal ball. Wish I had time to make a second Pod!

      1. Thanks, Patty! Maybe you can put it on your "someday" list! I know mine is a mile long. ;)

    3. Thank you! Been itchin to start stitchin on this one.

    4. I just wanted to check and make sure this was okay. I teach a sewing class to 15 homeschool students, ages 13-17, all huge Harry Potter fans. I wanted to use this pattern to teach paper piecing so that each student would have their very own quilt at the end of the year. I won't be selling the pattern, but I do get paid to teach the class as each student pays a fee. Is it okay to use the pattern this way?

      1. Hi Erin,

        Since you're not selling the patterns AND you're teaching kids, I'm going to say it's okay. I usually ask that my free patterns only be used for non-profit use such a making quilts for charity, but if you create one kiddo quilter with your class, it will be worth it. :)

    5. Oh I'm so glad I waited to start, I love the updated blocks!

    6. Thanks for starting the quilt-along. It's just the push I needed to finally get mine started.

    7. First block done, check!! Thanks for the push :) I really like the updates!

    8. Thank you so much. I have been wanting to make the PoD quilt for long and I have just been putting it away. This QAL is highly inspiring. :)

      1. You're very welcome! I was hoping that making this a group event would make such a big project a little less daunting for anyone that might like to try it. :)

    9. When you say un edited does that include embroidering on the books? So we have to make the plane jane basic block no finishing touches? Thanks I want to play but am on the fence about some things like the books. I need to go shopping as my entire stash is in storage :-(

    10. This quilt is wonderful, and I'm hope to make this for my daughter who is a huge Harry Potter fan. I won't be able to keep up with the time schedule right now but hope to catch up in a few months.


    Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!