Our Fandom For Charity winner, pj, has officially received her prize! The beautiful quilting on our very special Project of Doom was done courtesy of Shannon at Rock Creek Quilts, the Official Quilter of Fandom In Stitches! Need your TABABOM, PoD or any other FiS quilt top quilted by a professional who also happens to be a fandom quilter? Now you know where to go!
Some close ups of the glorious quilting and the label on the back of the quilt.
Click here for more pictures of this quilt.
Click here for more pictures of this quilt.
Are you in or near Austin, Texas? You are invited to come sew with Fandom In Stitches' very own Jennifer! Every other month, Jennifer hosts a Paper Piecing Club at The Stitching Studio in Austin, Texas. Bring your paper pieced project and enjoy sewing in a group environment with professional help on hand if you need it. Just $10 for 3 hours of sewing time! You can pay online to reserve your spot or RSVP to sewhooked@gmail.com and pay at the door (cash only). Please note: this is not a beginner class. Click here for more classes with Jennifer.
Next Class: Sunday July 21, 2013
Paper Piecing Club @ The Stitching Studio
1- 4 pm; $10 per person. Pay online or RSVP to pay at the door!
Tomorrow is the tenth week in the Doctor Who Stitch along. We really don't have to say anything else, do we? ;)
Reminder: You're invited to share your designs in the Doctor Who Stitch Along Design Invitational! Everything you need to know to participate is here.
Join Lilja the first Friday of each month as she and her fellow designers lead you on a quilting journey! It's never too late to join in! To see all the blocks from this wonderful event, visit our Hobbit/LotR page.
New On Fandom In Stitches
click image for pattern or tutorial
Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a flickr prize for general participation. How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.
Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a flickr prize for general participation. How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.
This month's prize has been donated by the Fandom In Stitches Fairy Godmother!
In addition to our usual monthly flickr prize, we will also be awarding a fun pack of DMC embroidery floss to one Stitch-Along participant per month! Actual thread may vary. Share photos of your Doctor Who Stitch-Along blocks with our flickr group to win!
All winners are chosen via Random.org and notified via flickr message.
Prizes not claimed after 30 days will go back into the FiS prize box!
Fabulous Flickr Photos
(please note: Design Invitational photos will not be posted until August 7, 2013)

This month's prize has been donated by the Fandom In Stitches Fairy Godmother!
In addition to our usual monthly flickr prize, we will also be awarding a fun pack of DMC embroidery floss to one Stitch-Along participant per month! Actual thread may vary. Share photos of your Doctor Who Stitch-Along blocks with our flickr group to win!
All winners are chosen via Random.org and notified via flickr message.
Prizes not claimed after 30 days will go back into the FiS prize box!
Fabulous Flickr Photos
(please note: Design Invitational photos will not be posted until August 7, 2013)

by dozmuffinxc

by gabivonderpfalz

by barbellis16

by spirit97

by flamehair

by ostera15

by woozelmom

by laura_is_weird

by clumsy kristel

by Stitchinscience

by hohenbrunnerquilterin

by Karen in Tucson

by Jennifer Ofenstein

by jemimaholding
Did you hear that J.K. Rowling is writing under a pseudonym? WE ARE EXCITED!
Check out her new book, The Cuckoo's Calling!

The first Friday of each month in 2013!
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