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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

House of Vampires

The Cullen's House
The Cullen House, by Such a Sew & Sew
6" paper pieced

Today's fabulously posh pattern comes to you from Such a Sew & Sew. Her work is always top of the line and you can see more of it here! Click on the Quilts tab for lots of eye candy!

Such a Sew & Sew is also part of a group of online quilting friends that we here at Fandom In Stitches have the utmost respect for, the Twi-Quilters. These ladies have generously given their time to make not ONE, but THREE Twilight-themed quilts that they then raffled off for charity, raising thousands of dollars for great organizations like Alex's Lemonade Stand and ChildHelp. Read more about that and look at their handiwork here.

Commenting will no longer be available on pattern archive pages (Harry Potter, Music, etc.). Comments should be posted on appropriate blog posts and you are always welcome to contact us. This change has been made to eliminate requests being made on archive pages. Only requests made on the Request page will be acknowledged. Thanks, as always, for your patience and understanding!

Final Block & Quilt Layout: October 3, 2012

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