Welcome to our Great Pumpkin-inspired quilt along! This event has been designed by fans, for fans, and is free for personal & non-profit use only.
All 100+ new blocks designed by:
Mary Groesbeck
Renee Boucher
Roxanne Ludwig
Jane Korsberg
Holly Urbain
All patterns tested by Sharon Garner Powell, Roxanne Ludwig, Susan Townsend,
Holly Urbain, Gabriele Beck, Jane Korsberg, Joan Mansfield, Carol Sheppard, Kimberlee Broeker, Stormy Jenner, Rhonda Benson, Sue Pratt, Amber Kleckner, Inez Larsen, Theresa Molden, Suzanne Jourdan, and Theresa Rose.
Our designers have created many blocks & finishing options for this quilt along, but it's up to you to decide what your final product will be!
They recommend that you do a little planning and make just the blocks you want for your quilt.
Check out the bullet list below for a full list of patterns
as well as quilt-finishing options to help you plan your quilt!
And now, this week's patterns!
tested by Stormy Jenner
6" Paper Pieced

designed by Roxanne Ludwig
tested by Carol Sheppard
Important things to know about this event!
- Peanuts Inspired Great-Pumpkin Quilt Along has been designed by Mary Groesbeck, Renee Boucher, Roxanne Ludwig, Jane Korsberg, & Holly Urbain.
- All patterns have been tested for accuracy Sharon Garner Powell, Roxanne Ludwig, Susan Townsend, Holly Urbain, Gabriele Beck, Jane Korsberg, Joan Mansfield, Carol Sheppard, Kimberlee Broeker, Stormy Jenner, Rhonda Benson, Sue Pratt, Amber Kleckner, Inez Larsen, Theresa Molden, Suzanne Jourdan, and Theresa Rose.
- This is a full PRINTABLE LIST of ALL patterns coming. You don't need to make all of them to make a quilt, so pick and choose what you like best.
- All posts will go live weekly on Wednesdays at 8 am CST.
- All blocks are paper pieced, and many include embroidery.
- Blocks vary in size. There are lots of quilt finishing options for this project. You can find them here to help plan your quilt.
- Patterns are rated 1 out of 5 by difficulty (1 being the simplest, 5 being the most complex).
- For community support and photo sharing, please join our Great Pumpkin QAL Facebook Group! Looking for our general fandom quilting group? You can find that here.
- The patterns from this event are archived under Holiday Favorites: Peanuts Animated Specials
- Every pattern on fandominstitches.com is designed by fans for fans. Our patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Patterns are not to be used for manufacture or distribution. The sale of these patterns, quilts, projects, photos, etc. made from these patterns is prohibited. No infringement of any kind is intended. Please support officially licensed merchandise. We wouldn't be fans without them!
- For best results with paper pieced patterns, print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive, uncheck “fit to page.” See your printer instructions for more details if needed.
- Need to learn to paper piece? Check out our Quilting Help page for lots of awesome tutorial links!
- Posting on social media? We are: Fandom in Stitches on Facebook, @FandomNStitches on Twitter, @fandominstitches on Instagram, Everywhere - #fandominstitches, #greatpumpkinqal2023

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