(Leia & Han)
designed by Jennifer Ofenstein
tested by Jennifer (applique)
& Amber Lowery (hand embroidery)
18" (18 1/2" with seam allowance)
Paper Pieced with applique OR hand embroidery
Hello, friends!
This pattern has been designed to be paper pieced (the letters) with either hand embroidery or
applique (the image). You’re welcome to make it your own and use the fabric or image of your
choice in the large space between the letters, or to leave that out all together.
While these words and these faces are obviously not an original idea, I’ve made every attempt to
make it my own. The silhouettes were drawn by me from images sourced online and the text was
created using a Star Wars-inspired font and designed by me using EQ8. I genuinely hope you enjoy making this project for yourself or as a gift.
You can find more images to mix & match in our Star Wars pattern archive.
And now, some helpful hints!
Supplies for this project (also listed in the pattern document, some affiliate links included):
- 1/2 yard background fabric (generous estimate)
- 3/8 yard letters/image fabric (generous estimate)
- A lightweight fusible of your choice for applique. I like Steam-A-Seam Lite 2.
- A lightweight water soluble stabilizer for hand embroidery. I like Sticky Fabri-Solvy.
- I highly recommend using an Add-An-Eighth ruler. It will make this project MUCH easier!
Chain piece! Since this pattern has only two colors colors, chain piecing will make it fast and easy.
You can align the faces quick and easily by finding the center of the block after it's pieced. You can mark the center OR just use the fold for reference.
I used a ruler to find 2 1/4" from the long seam under "I Love You."
Then I used my 2 1/2" ruler in the previously marked to give me just the amount of space I wanted.
Need more help? Check out my Paper Piecing Resources!

Find all of our Star Wars Patterns Archived here!

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