Welcome Fandom friends as we celebrate the Designers and Pattern Testers who make Fandom in Stitches a reality. As often as possible, we'll be sharing a Friday Feature of one of our amazing Designers or Pattern testers so you can get to know them better!
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For today's Feature Friday, please welcome Pattern Tester Britney Lachelle!
Where to find her:@rainboweffingbrite on IG
What inspired you to start testing patterns for the Fandom in Stitches community?
"I needed more of a challenge. I have been quilting since I was 15, and really starting hitting a rut with the typical patterns that you would find in a magazine or book."
What was your first tested Fandom pattern?
"That was so long ago! One of the first handful I ended up doing was Merida by Michelle Thompson."
Do you have a designer you test for the most?"It would have to be either Holly U. or Kathleen B."
What's your favorite kind of pattern to test?"I love a pattern than I’m actually interested and can eventually turn the blocks in a full sized quilt. I dislike having a ton of orphaned blocks hanging around. Difficulty isn’t an issue, I love a challenge and I also love having a breather."
What kind of non-fandom projects do you like to work on?"T-shirt quilts and memory bears are a favorite! Taking someone’s precision memories and turning it into a timeless treasure is probably the best feeling!"
What else would you like to share?"I love having the opportunity to throw ideas at designers and seeing a whole project come together, it’s amazing! Even if it means designing 4 more blocks and adding a Title for the particular fandom! "
Please give Britney some love in the comments or tag her @rainboweffingbrite on IG!
If you post on social media, be sure to tag @fandominstitches (and/or #fandominstitches) so we'll see your awesome work!
Fandom In Stitches and its designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.
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