Welcome Fandom friends as we celebrate the Designers and Pattern Testers who make Fandom in Stitches a reality. As often as possible, we'll be sharing a Friday Feature of one of our amazing Designers or Pattern testers so you can get to know them better!
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For today's Feature Friday, please welcome Designer & Tester, Jeanie Payment!
Where Can We find You?@jeaniepayment on IG&Jeanie's Dreams
What inspired you to start designing Fandom patterns? What was the first pattern you shared with our community?"The design invitational for the Hocus pocus QaL- The Skull Singer"
What is your favorite kind of pattern to design? "Entire Fandom Quilts. It usually starts with a small pattern, and then completely takes over my life. "
Favorite All-Time Fandom Design by you?"Kingdom Hearts Quilt- Darkside is my favorite pattern Block."
Favorite non-fandom thing you've designed?"Ripley Tomato Quilt- Inspired by my town"
Anything else you'd like for us to know?"Crafty wife, mom, grandma, gamer, quilter, and teacher. I have been on a journey to challenge myself and "go big.""
What inspired you to start testing patterns for the Fandom in Stitches community? What was your first tested Fandom pattern?"The Rankin and Bass QaL. I'm pretty sure it was Snow Miser"
Do you have a designer you test for the most?"There are so many wonderful designers, it's hard to pick just one."
What's your favorite kind of pattern to test?"I'm always looking for Dr Who patterns. But really anything can catch my eye."
What kind of non-fandom projects do you like to work on?"Scrappy Quilts"
Words of Wisdom from Jeanie:"On every quilt you do, try at least one new thing. There are so many options, you just might surprise yourself."
Please give Jeanie some love in comments and let her know which of her patterns you've tried! If you post on social media, be sure to tag @jeaniepayment & @fandominstitches so we'll see your awesome work!
Fandom In Stitches and its designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.
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