TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along - Week 4!

Welcome, welcome to The Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along (#kingdomheartsqal), designed by Jeanie Payment!

Come with us as we celebrate Friendship, Adventure, and (of course!) quilting!

Important things to know about this event:

  • The Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along  was designed by Jeanie Payment This event is hosted on Fandom in StitchesPosts are written by Jennifer Ofenstein.
  • The Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along  patterns will be posted weekly on Wednesdays through May 27, with the Design Invitational (see below) on June 3, 2020.
  • We'll be sharing paper pieced quilt block patterns, quilt finishing instructions, bonus blocks, plus any Design Invitational patterns our quilting community chooses to share. Quilt layouts, Border Alphabet, and a list of what's to come is included in each post.
  • Each pattern has been tested for accuracy. Pattern testers are listed with the patterns they have tested.
  • Patterns are rated 1 out of 5 by difficulty (1 being the simplest, 5 being the most complex).
  • Want to design a pattern for this quilt? Look for the Design Invitational information coming soon!
  • Every pattern on fandominstitches.com is design by fans for fans. Our patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Patterns are not to be used for manufacture or distribution. Sale of these patterns, quilts, projects, photos, etc. made from these pattern is prohibited. No infringement of any kind is intended. Please support the official EA releases of Kingdom Hearts. We wouldn't be fans without them!
  • For best results with paper pieced patterns, print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive, uncheck “fit to page.” See your printer instructions for more details if needed.
  • Need to learn to paper piece? Check out our Quilting Help page for lots of awesome tutorial links!

And Now, WEEK 4!
all designs by Jeanie Payment

Have fun, happy quilting, and be sure to join us in our 

designed by Jeanie Payment
tested by Jeanie Payment & Verena Glöckner
10" x 20" paper pieced (for both layouts)



The Quilt Layout finishing documents include everything you need
to finish your quilt once you've completed your chosen blocks! We've included these here so you can plan which blocks you'd like to make for your own awesome Kingdom Hearts Quilt!

70" x 70
designed & pieced by Jeanie Payment

60" x 70"
designed & pieced by Jeanie Payment

each is 5" paper pieced
tested by Jeanie Payment & Joanne Harris

Difficulty Ranges from 1 - 3

We know you love to plan your quilts in advance, so we're listing everything you can expect during this QAL:
  • Cave Drawing
  • Crown
  • Darkside
  • Defender Shield
  • Donald's Staffs
  • Dream Rod
  • Dusk
  • Gummy Ship
  • Heart with Crown
  • Heart-Border Trinket
  • Heartless Emblem
  • Jiminy's Journal
  • Key
  • Keyblade of Peoples Heart
  • Keyhole
  • Kingdom Keyblade
  • Knight Shield
  • Large Body
  • Mages Staff
  • Nobody Emblem
  • Organization XIII
  • Pumpkinhead Keyblade
  • Sea Salt Ice Cream
  • Shadow
  • Shooting Star
  • Sora
  • Starlight Blade
  • Treasure Chest
  • Twilight Thorn
  • Unversed Emblem
  • Wizard No Wand
  • Wizard With Wand
  • Yin Sid Wizard Hat
  • Bonus Trinkets!!
  • Design Invitational Patterns by YOU!!

The Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along
Quilt Pattern Design Invitational
Participation Rules


Please read ALL RULES carefully before submitting patterns.
  • Design an original pattern inspired by KINGDOM HEARTS to share with the fandominstitches.com quilting community. Please see the list of patterns coming in this QAL before choosing a design (above).
  • Quilt Patterns must be original and created by the submitting designer. Designs may not use any part of a another designer's pattern, including, but not limited to, those designs shared on fandominstitches.com. Please see the list of patterns for this quilt along listed above.
  • Designs based on other, non-quilt artwork art (including fan art) must include written permission from the artist. 
  • Patterns can be any piecing technique (paper pieced, hand embroidered, applique, etc.).
  • Patterns should 5" OR 10" finished (5 1/2" or 10 1/2" with seam allowance). These are intended to be additional optional blocks for our quilt along. Please do not recreate blocks already on the list. 
  • Patterns must be free to access and stay that way. All FiS patterns are free for personal & non-profit use only to comply with copyright and intellectual property laws.
  • Make your pattern and take a photo. Only tested patterns with photos of the design in fabric will be included on fandominstitches.com.
  • Patterns should include your name (online or real), pattern finished size (5" or 10"), your blog, social media, contact information and/or anything else you feel is pertinent to your pattern.
  • Patterns should include the following text, "Designed for the #kingdomheartsqal Design Invitational on fandominstitches.com."
  • Submit your pattern using our submission form no later than Friday, May 29, 2020, at Noon CST (U.S.).
  • PDF patterns can be hand drawn or created using graphic design software as long as they are clear and easy to follow. For helpful information, including software suggestions, see Be A Fandom in Stitches Designer.
  • Google Drive is a great way to share pattern files (it's free to use for anyone with a Gmail account and files can be updated as needed). Patterns can also be emailed to ofenjen@fandominstitches.com and they will be hosted by Fandom In Stitches
  • Pattern submissions will not be accepted via Facebook or other social media.
  • On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, The Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along Design Invitational patterns will be posted right here on Fandom In Stitches to share with our quilting community!
ONLY patterns following these rules will be considered for posting on FiS.

Submitted designs will be included in special drawing
to win a Fandom in Stitches t-shirt from our Zazzle Shop!
(Example only, you can pick the shirt of your choice!)
Questions? Leave them in comments or email ofenjen@fandominstitches.com!

  Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.

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Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!