Are you counting down?
We begin our Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along
January 22, 2020 at 6am CST!
All designs by Jeanie Payment.
>>> Join the Kingdom Hearts <<<
>>>Quilt Along Facebook Group!<<<
Follow & tag @fandominstitches on Instagram!
We can't wait to get started!
Coming in August 2020:
Jurassic Park Inspired Quilt-Along
organized by Angela Bennett!
2021 will be the 10th anniversary of both Fandom in Stitches AND The Project of Doom!!!
In honor of a decade of our website, our quilting community, and the project that started it all, we'll be hosting a single year-long Quilt Along in 2021 of entirely fandom-themed bookcase blocks and we need YOUR help!
You're invited to design blocks for your fandom to contribute to A Year of Doom - 10th Anniversary Bookcase Quilt Along (#fisayearofdoomqal)
Blocks must fit the current Project of Doom sizes (see link above):
- 10 1/2" unfinished for bookcase blocks (please include at least one book in each bookcase block). Blocks may be wider (but not taller) than 10" in increments of 10. For example 10" x 20" (a double block).
- 5 1/2" unfinished for addition to those blocks with substitution options. These blocks can be substituted for PoD Week 19, Week 27, or Week 28.
Designs can be paper pieced, traditionally pieced, or appliqued. All of our usual submission guidelines will apply. For more information about that, please check out the Fandom In Stitches Submission Guidelines.
You've got a year to plan, test, and finish your non-Harry Potter bookcase blooks and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Want to join us, but need help? Join our Fandom In Stitches Designer & Pattern Tester Facebook group!
10th Anniversary Fandom
Bookcase Quilt Along
Looking for something completely different?
Check out our Pattern Archive Pages
at the top of every Fandom in Stitches page!

- 10 1/2" unfinished for bookcase blocks (please include at least one book in each bookcase block). Blocks may be wider (but not taller) than 10" in increments of 10. For example 10" x 20" (a double block).
- 5 1/2" unfinished for addition to those blocks with substitution options. These blocks can be substituted for PoD Week 19, Week 27, or Week 28.
Looking for something completely different?
Check out our Pattern Archive Pages
at the top of every Fandom in Stitches page!

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