TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Rankin/Bass Holiday Favorites Quilt Along - Design Invitational!

Welcome to the 
Rankin/Bass Holiday Favorites
Quilt Along
Quilt Pattern Design Invitational!

read the rules for this event here

The below patterns were designed as bonus blocks that can be included in your Rankin/Bass Holiday Favorites quilt.

Find these and more in our Autumn & Winter Holiday Favorites Pattern Archive.

BIG thanks to each of the designers who took the time to submit extra patterns to go with our Quilt Along!

Be sure to keep scrolling to see who won our random drawing for a Fandom in Stitches t-shirt. :)

As a reminder, all Fandom in Stitches quilt patterns are created by fans, for fans. They are free for your personal and non-profit use only. No infringement is intended.

How to Enlarge & Reduce Patterns using Adobe Reader
Want a different size? We can help!

First Up...Snowflakes!
Difficulty Level is out of 5.

These snowflakes were created especially for the 
borders, cornerstones, or as optional blocks for your quilt. Enjoy!

tested by Stephanie Shearer

6" or 10" paper pieced (6 1/2" or 10 1/2" unfinished)

tested by Stephanie Shearer

6" or 10" paper pieced (6 1/2" or 10 1/2" unfinished)

6" paper pieced (6 1/2" unfinished)

tested by Linda Barnes

6" paper pieced (6 1/2" unfinished)

tested by Lynn Atkinson

6" paper pieced (6 1/2" unfinished)

tested by Kimberlee Broeker

6" paper pieced (6 1/2" unfinished)

This is a bonus pattern from my personal website.
 I think it fits in great with the theme!
10″ paper pieced

Next...Even more fun character blocks!
(shown in the order they were submitted)

(Santa Claus is Coming to Town)
Holly Urbain
tested by Jessica Allgire

10" paper pieced 

(10 1/2" unfinished)

(Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Holly Urbain
tested by  Heidi Plaisted Newell

10" paper pieced 

(10 1/2" unfinished)

(Jack Frost)

tested by Samantha Z. Gallagher and Lynn Atkinson

10" paper pieced (10 1/2" unfinished)

(Frosty the Snowman)

Holly Urbain
tested by Suzanne Maestas Jourdan 

10" paper pieced with embroidery

(10 1/2" unfinished)

(The Year Without a Santa Claus)

Holly Urbain
tested by Jeanie Payment 

10" paper pieced with embroidery

(10 1/2" unfinished)

Holly Urbain
tested by Jeanie Payment 

10" paper pieced with embroidery

(10 1/2" unfinished)

(Santa Claus is Coming to Town)
Renee Boucher
10" paper pieced with embroidery

Kris Kringle
 (Santa Claus is Coming to Town)
Renee Boucher
tested by Erika Callahan
10" paper pieced with embroidery

Tanta Kringle
 (Santa Claus is Coming to Town)
Renee Boucher
10" paper pieced with embroidery

Renee Boucher
tested by Erika Callahan
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery

Lynn A
10" x 13" paper pieced

Kirstin Viland
tested by Jeanie Payment and Lynn Atkinson
10" paper pieced

To make this a little extra fun, we had a random drawing for a fun, free Fandom in Stitches t-shirt!

WINNER - Holly Urbain
wins the Fandom in Stitches t-shirt of
her choice from our Zazzle Shop!

Designer Jeanie Payment presents our very first Kingdom Hearts Quilt Along (#kingdomheartsqal) with oodles of amazing new designs for your very own KH quilt!

We'll share more details about this awesome quilt along as we near the start date.

Join us in January!

  Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.


  1. I love these holiday patterns, but I am receiving an error message for many of them like Jack Frost, The Bumble, and Snowman Sam. Are these still available?

    1. Hello! You might be seeing those patterns on an older page. You can find all the up to date links here: http://www.fandominstitches.com/2011/12/holiday-favorites.html.

      Happy stitching!


Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!