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 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

2016 Tributes - Saying Goodbye

We originally intended this to be a tribute post for George Michael and Carrie Fisher, but somehow it just didn't work out that way.

Please help us honor some of the amazing artists lost in 2016 as we celebrate their art with ours.

Patterns are in the order they were received. 

As always, fandominstitches.com patterns are fan-created
and are free for personal & not-for-profit use only.

Princess Leia
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Sue Garcia & Debra Wyza
12" paper pieced

inspired by Star Wars

photo Princess Leia by Vanda_zpsisxuamjv.jpg
Princess Leia
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Vanda Chittenden
20" applique

inspired by Star Wars

In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Karen McGuigan
5" paper pieced & embroidered

Inspired by the antique ceramic Prozac pill that was used as an urn for her ashes - 
it was one of Carrie Fisher's prized possessions in life.

General Leia Organa
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7 embroidered

inspired by Star Wars: The Force Awakens

photo PrincessLeiaRebelRebel_zpsc93k2njf.jpg
Princess Leia, Rebel Rebel
This pattern is no longer available, we're sorry for the inconvenience.
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Nina Riggle
15" x 20" paper pieced

Note from Nina: 
Inspired by The Art of Leka. Image used with permission.

Includes pattern with color tabs and 
without as some of the detail is hard to see with the color tabs included. 

Leia with Gun - tested
Leia with Blaster
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Karen McGuigan
tested by Sue Garcia
10" paper pieced

inspired by a Star Wars promo pic

Princess Leia Organa
In Memory of Carrie Fisher
by Michelle Thompson
Tested by Celine Chabot
15" paper pieced & embroidered

inspired by a Star Wars

In Memory of George Michael
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered

Inspired by Careless Whisper

George_Michael - tested by Anita Lynn
Best of George Michael
In Memory of George Michael
by Karen McGuigan
tested by Anita Lynn
15" paper pieced with embroidered details

Inspired by Album Cover "Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best Of George Michael

George Michael - Faith
In Memory of George Michael
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered

Inspired by The Faith Tour, which was my first concert. October 14, 1988, Texas Stadium.

Anton Yelchin Tribute

In memory of Anton Yelchin
Designed and tested by Vanda Chittenden
28.23" x 12" inches Paper Pieced 

Let Me Guide You (Purple Rain)
in memory of Prince
by Jennifer Ofenstein
tested by Amber Lowery, embroidered by Jennifer Ofenstein
12" paper pieced, pieced, embroidered

in memory of Prince
by Melissa Bejot
tested by Daphne Seymour
10" paper pieced

Purple Rain
in memory of Prince
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Jo Minvielle
15" x 13 1/2" paper pieced

Dove Crying
in memory of Prince
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Daphne Seymour
12" x 8 5/8" paper pieced
in memory of Prince
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Nina W. Riggle
15" paper pieced

Little Red Corvette
in memory of Prince
by Daphne Seymour
inspired by Chevy's Prince Tribute
12" x 8" paper pieced with embroidery

Love Symbol
in memory of Prince
by Daphne Seymour
14" x 16" paper pieced

In Memory of David Bowie
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Nina Riggle
12" paper pieced

In Memory of David Bowie
by Melissa Bejot
10" paper pieced

In Memory of David Bowie
by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
tested by Nina Riggle
10" paper pieced with optional embroidery

(from Space Oddity by David Bowie)
In Memory of David Bowie
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" hand embroidered

Red Shoes
(from Let's Dance by David Bowie)
In Memory of David Bowie
by Jennifer Rowles
tested by Nina Riggle & Jessica Hart
12" paper pieced with optional embroidery

(from Changes by David Bowie)
In Memory of David Bowie
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" hand embroidered

photo Jareth Stitch by Alida TweLoQ_zpsaipfuznj.jpg
Jareth, The Goblin King
In Memory of David Bowie
by Alida (TweLoQ)
5" x 10" hand embroidered

Farewell, Alan Rickman

In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Kristi Lehane
tested by Laura Shaffstall
10" x 16 1/8" paper pieced & embroidered

In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Vanda Chittenden
20" paper pieced & applique

Snape, Reflective, 2014 Update
In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Jennifer Ofenstein
5" paper pieced

In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Michelle Thompson
7" x 8 1/2" paper pieced & embroidered

In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Jennifer Ofenstein
5" paper pieced

In Memory of Alan Rickman
by Catherine Magraith
5" paper pieced

Goodbye, dear friends. We will remember you through the art that you left behind. Always.

Want to honor a favorite celebrity? Find out how to share your pattern with Fandom in Stitches here.


  Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale & manufacture.

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