Welcome to week three of our Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along!
Block descriptions from text by J.K. Rowling. Learn more at Pottermore
& from Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them.
For general information and fabric requirements, please look at the bottom of the post, below the patterns.
Block 11
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Diricawl - Level 2 Also known as a Dodo |
10 x 10" paper pieced pattern excluding seam allowance
Designed by Vanda Chittenden
Tested by Amber Lowery
The Diricawl originated in Mauritius. A plump-bodied, fluffy-feathered, flightless bird, the Diricawl is remarkable for its method of escaping danger. It can vanish in a puff of feathers and reappear elsewhere.
Interestingly, Muggles were once fully aware of the existence of the Diricawl, though they knew it by the name of “dodo.” Unaware that the Diricawl could vanish at will, Muggles believe they have hunted the species to extinction. As this seems to have raised Muggle awareness of the dangers of slaying their fellow creatures indiscriminately, the International Confederation of Wizards has never deemed it appropriate that the Muggles should be made aware of the continued existence of the Diricawl.
10 x 10" paper pieced pattern excluding seam allowance
Designed by Vanda Chittenden
Tested by Amber Lowery
Chizpurfles are small parasites up to a twentieth of an inch high, crablike in appearance, with large fangs. They are attracted by magic and may infest the fur and feathers of such creatures as Crups and Augureys. They will also enter wizard dwellings and attack magical objects such as wands, gradually gnawing their way through to the magical core, or else settle in dirty cauldrons, where they will gorge upon any lingering drops of potion. Though Chizpurfles are easy enough to destroy with any of a number of patented potions on the market, severe infestations may require a visit from the Pest Sub-Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, as Chizpurfles swollen with magical substances will prove very hard to fight.
Block 13
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Billywig - Level 3 |
10 x 10" applique pattern excluding seam allowance
Designed by Vanda Chittenden
Tested by Carlita Brown
The Billywig is an insect native to Australia. It is around half an inch long and a vivid sapphire blue, although its speed is such that it is rarely noticed by Muggles and often not by wizards until they have been stung. The Billywig’s wings are attached to the top of its head and are rotated very fast so that it spins as it flies. At the bottom of the body is a long thin sting. Those who have been stung by a Billywig suffer giddiness followed by levitation. Generations of young Australian witches and wizards have attempted to catch Billywigs and provoke them into stinging in order to enjoy these side effects, though too many stings may cause the victim to hover uncontrollably for days on end, and where there is a severe allergic reaction, permanent floating may ensue. Dried Billywig stings are used in several potions and are believed to be a component in the popular sweet Fizzing Whizbees.
Block 14
10" paper pieced pattern excluding seam allowance
(use pages 3-5 for 10" pattern)
(use pages 3-5 for 10" pattern)
Designed by Jennifer Ofenstein
Tested by Jennifer Ofenstein
Block 15
The unicorn is a beautiful beast found throughout the forests of northern Europe. It is a pure white, horned horse when fully grown, though the foals are initially golden, and turn silver before achieving maturity. The unicorn’s horn, blood, and hair all have highly magical properties. It generally avoids human contact, is more likely to allow a witch to approach it than a wizard, and is so fleet of foot that it is very difficult to capture.
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Abraxan - Level 5 |
10 x 10" paper pieced pattern excluding seam allowance
Designed by Vanda Chittenden
Tested by Amber Lowery
Winged horses exist worldwide. There are many different breeds, including the Abraxan (immensely powerful giant palominos).
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Star |
2 x 2" excluding seam allowance
Paper Pieced
Designed by Vanda Chittenden
Tested by Amber Lowery
Once put together the sashing will be 2 x 10" excluding seam allowance
It is your choice where you want your stars to show up. Example below.
Once put together the sashing will be 2 x 10" excluding seam allowance
It is your choice where you want your stars to show up. Example below.
The layout at the end of the quilt along, allows for the stars to be on any side of each beast.
Or just leave the stars out, it is absolutely your choice.
Signature Block Pattern.
you've participated in events like this with us before, then you know
about the signature blocks! I'd like to invite everyone participating
in the 2016 Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along to share a block for a special
2016 Signature Quilt. This quilt is my way of remembering everyone that
quilted along in 2016.
You can send your signature block at any time, you do not need to finish the whole quilt first.
You can send your signature block at any time, you do not need to finish the whole quilt first.
Hand or machine embroidery, printed fabric, fabric pen, marker, or stenciled with fabric paint/pen, etc. are all acceptable. Please, no iron-ons or transfers.
You can use any scraps from your bins for this block.
General information!
Reminder! You do not have to make all the patterns, choose which ones you like.
With every beast pattern, the danger level will be shown. If you choose to do the paper pieced star sashing, you can find the pattern below the beasts patterns.
The pattern pieces is not colored in, they have been left blank so that you can choose your own colors. A color chart has been provided for a reference.
All patterns will also be added to the Fantastic Beasts archive here on Fandom In Stitches.
Before we get started there are some important things you need to know.
About the Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along:
- All patterns are designed by Vanda Chittenden (Quilt In Piece)
- Do you have a question? Please contact me via email above or contact me in the Facebook group below.
- Want to have lots of friends to talk to while you stitch? Join the Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along Facebook Group.
- Join the QAL at anytime and work at your own pace. There is no penalty for starting late.
- Need some help, visit sewhooked.com for paper piecing help.
- All Fantastic Beasts patterns are 100% free and they will stay that way. These patterns are free for your personal and NON-profit use only. Not to be used for manufacture or distribution. Sale of this pattern or quilts made from this pattern is prohibited.
- The Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along will be presenting five quilt blocks a week on each Wednesday for 12 weeks.
- The blocks will range from easy to hard, you will have lots of blocks to choose from. Most of the patterns will be paper pieced patterns and some of the patterns will be applique. There will be 60+ patterns to choose from.
- An optional stars sashing pattern will be posted every week. You will need 1 to 5 stars per sashing. (More info below in the fabric amounts and pattern link)
- The layout (3 sizes) will be released on week 13. Some fabric amounts are available below. Possible bonus blocks might be added with the layouts, in the last week.
- All Fantastic Beasts QAL activities, prizes, etc. will be posted on fandominstitches.com.
- The colors for the quilt layout are Cranberry, Blue and Gold. These are the colors for Ilvermorny North American wizarding school. Even though the school has 4 houses, all the students wore the same colors. Please feel free to use your own color choices.
- All blocks will be sewn during the Fantastic Beasts Quilt Along on fandominstitches.com. And will be 10 x 10” excluding seam allowance. The Star Sashing will be 2 x 10" excluding seam allowance.
- For best results print with NO SCALING. In Google Drive (where this file is hosted) uncheck “fit to page.” See your printer instructions for more details if needed.
Fabric Requirements
Fabric Requirements for the crib size (all fabric amounts are approximate)
- 9 Fantastic Beasts Blocks pieced and squared up to 10 1/2” x 10 1/2”
- 1 ½ yards background fabric
- assorted scraps from your bins for beasts
- ½ yard of gold/yellow fabric + optional ¼ yard gold / yellow fabric for Stars
- 2 yard cranberry/red fabric + optional ¼ yard cranberry / red fabric for background of Stars
- ½ yard blue fabric
Fabric Requirements for the Twin size (all fabric amounts are approximate)
- 24 Fantastic Beasts Blocks pieced and squared up to 10 1/2” x 10 1/2”
- 4 yards background fabric
- assorted scraps from your bins for beasts
- ½ yard of gold/yellow fabric + optional ¼ yard gold / yellow fabric for Stars
- 3 ½ yard cranberry/red fabric + optional ¼ yard cranberry / red fabric for background of Stars
- 1 yard blue fabric
Fabric Requirements for the Queen size (all fabric amounts are approximate)
- 42 Fantastic Beasts Blocks pieced and squared up to 10 1/2” x 10 1/2”
- 7 yards background fabric
- assorted scraps from your bins for beasts
- ½ yard of gold/yellow fabric + optional ¼ yard gold / yellow fabric for Stars
- 4 1/2 yard cranberry/red fabric + optional ¼ yard cranberry / red fabric for background of Stars
- 2 yard blue fabric
LLAP - "dif-tor heh smugma"
Vanda Chittenden
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