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Friday, January 15, 2016


Designed and tested by Vanda Chittenden
10" paper pieced (without seam allowance)

Hi everyone,

We are back with another Star Trek pattern, this one from the Original series. 
(I think we have enough TOS now, and will be designing newer series patterns from now on)

Today's pattern is the Tribble, which is a curious creature, that once invested the Enterprise.
 Tribbles are fictional alien species in the Star Trek universe who first appeared in the episode titled "The Trouble with Tribbles". They are depicted as small, furry, soft, gentle, attractive, and slow-moving, and they usually produce a soothing purring or cooing sound when stroked, all of which are endearing traits to humans, Vulcans, and their hybrids. However, because tribbles reproduce incredibly fast, and consume exponentially larger and larger amounts of food as they multiply and crawl stealthily from one place to another, Starfleet considers them dangerous organisms and forbids their transportation. The Klingons, in whose presence tribbles produce a convulsive, shrieking reaction, go as far as to consider them "mortal enemies", as stated in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations". - Wiki
Spock claimed he was immune to the effects of the Tribble. 

Till next time, have an awesome day.

Quilt In Piece

I Want To Believe: An X-Files Quilt & Stitch Along coming 2016 on fandominstitches.com 

  Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.

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