Don't forget to share your photos, winners for the September prizes will be announced next week!
Each month, Fandom In Stitches gives away a flickr prize for general participation. This month, we're also giving away a special prize for those of you participating in the #smqal!
How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.
How do you win one of our fabulous prizes? It's easy! Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group! You receive one entry for each project! Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.
Would you like to be a sponsor in 2015? Sponsors give away a single monthly prize and we link to your website or store the entire month of your sponsorship. Prizes need to be fandom-themed, fabric, or something that a FiS community member would enjoy. Email Jennifer to sponsor a month in 2015!
Why share via flickr? It's the best way for me to post your photos right here on! Every Tuesday, we have a virtual show & tell called Tuesday Photos so everyone following along can see an entire week's picture in one place every Tuesday.

Heather Hansen

by heidi_d_h_20

by katiedodat

by Vanda Chittenden

by Daphne

by Melissa Bejot

by Heather Gates

by Steph Beardsley

by FernandaMe
Winners to be announced October 6, 2015
Please note that only projects from patterns available on will be shared here. Altered patterns are not eligible for drawings.
Pattern testers, please wait until your designer's patterns have been posted before sharing with the flickr group in order to be entered in the monthly drawing.
Pattern testers, please wait until your designer's patterns have been posted before sharing with the flickr group in order to be entered in the monthly drawing.

Heather Hansen

by heidi_d_h_20

by katiedodat

by Vanda Chittenden

by Daphne

by Melissa Bejot

by Heather Gates

by Steph Beardsley

by FernandaMe
Don't see your photos? They are either marked "private" or sharing is restricted on flickr, the original pattern has been altered, or the project includes elements not available on
Don't quilt alone! Join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness on the Fandom In Stitches Facebook Group!
Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group for a chance to win one of our fabulous monthly prizes! You receive one entry for each project. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.

Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Tumblr | Flickr | Bloglovin' | Pinterest | Google+

Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.
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