TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Summer of Stitching Round-Up

Summer of Stitching 2014, A Design Invitational on fandominstitches.com

Welcome to The Summer of Stitching Round-Up!

Today we're sharing ALL SIXTY FIVE pattern submissions from our summer event in one giant post! 

A HUGE thanks for every person that contributed patterns for this very fun event. We here at FiS know that volunteering your time to share patterns with our quilting community is a real gift of your time and we can't tell you enough how much we appreciate it!

Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for the winner of a free Fandom In Stitches t-shirt!

Did you miss out designing for The Summer of Stitching? We will continue to accept pattern submissions for all of these categories, just visit our Submit Your Pattern page to see what you need to do!

And now...the patterns!

Summer of Stitching - Sherlock Holmes photo SoSSherlockHolmes_zpsfbc97d23.jpg

by loobyvee
10" x 13" paper pieced

"Highly Functioning Sociopath"
Highly Functioning Sociopath
by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

"I do NOT shave for Sherlock Holmes!"
I do NOT shave for Sherlock Holmes
by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

"The game is afoot!"
The Game is Afoot
by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

"I cannot live without brainwork"
I cannot live without brainwork
by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

"Honey, you should see me..."
Honey, you should see me in a crown
by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

by Jordan F (dozmuffinxc)
5" embroidered

Sherlock Holmes' Violin by Michelle for fandominstitches.com photo michelleviolin_zps8ee6b8b9.jpg
Sherlock Holmes' Violin
by Michelle Thompson
10" paper pieced & embroidered

The Reichenbach Fall
The Reichenback Fall
by Kaylee Ovel
5" embroidered

I am Sherlocked
 by Kaylee Ovel
5" embroidered

The Great Game
The Great Game
 by Kaylee Ovel
5" embroidered

The Blind Banker
The Blind Banker
 by Kaylee Ovel
5" embroidered

A Study in Pink
A Study in Pink
 by Kaylee Ovel
5" embroidered

Holmes Has A Look
Holmes Has A Look (Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes) by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered

Summer of Stitching - I love Sci-Fi & Fantasy photo SoSIheartscififantasy_zps1a870e9a.jpg

Hover Board
Hover Board 
by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
from Back to the Future
7" paper pieced

Geometric Tesseract: A Wrinkle in Time
Geometric Tesseract 
by Aalia
from A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Figurative Tesseract from A Wrinkle in Time
Figurative Tesseract 
by Aalia
from A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Dresden Files Paranoid Quote from Storm Front
Dresden Files Paranoid Quote by Jennifer Ofenstein
from The Dresden Files: Storm Front by Jim Butcher
7"  embroidered

Summer of Stitching - Monty Python photo SoSMontyPython_zpsf4a0bb74.jpg
Monty Python - The Larch
The Larch
by Aalia
7" embroidered

She turned me into a newt!
She turned me into a newt!
by Amber L

by Thorn Trace
Paper Pieced

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch 
by Thorn Trace
5", 7" & 10" embroidered

Monty Python - It's
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered

The Ministry of Silly Walks
The Ministry of Silly Walks
by Jennifer Ofenstein
7" embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - I love books photo SoSIheartbooks_zps45f9d3d2.jpg

    I see, said the vampire thoughtfully
    "I see," said the vampire thoughtfully.
    The first line of Interview With The Vampire, by Anne Rice
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7″ embroidered + fabric paint
    Our Little Infinity
    Our Little Infinity
    inspired  by The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered
    Grok 4
    Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land
    by Thorn Trace
    8" x 6" embroidered

    Stephen King - It (cover)
    Stephen King's IT
    by Alida / TweLoQ
    7.5" x 5" paper pieced

    Stephen King - The Gunslinger (opening line)
    by Alida / TweLoQ
    7 1/2" x 5"

    by Alida / TweLoQ
    7 1/2" x 5" embroidered

    Stephen King - Carrie (opening line)
    Stephen King - Carrie (opening line)
    by Alida / TweLoQ
    7 1/2" x 5" embroidered

    Stephen King - The Drawing of the Three (opening line)
    Stephen King - The Drawing of the Three
    by Alida (TweLoQ)
    7 1/2" x 5" embroidered

    Stephen King - The Eyes of the Dragon (opening line)
    Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon
    7 1/2" x 5"
    by Alida (TweLoQ)
    Stephen King - The Running Man (opening line)
    Stephen King: The Running Man (opening line)
    by Alida / TweLoQ
    7 1/2" x 5" embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - Chronicles of Narnia photo SoSChroniclesofNarnia_zpsd1951707.jpg

    The light of Narnia
    by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
    8" paper pieced

    Reep 1
    by Thorn Trace
    8" x 6" embroidered

    Bless Me stitch - Narnia2
    Bless Me!
    by Julia Murtha
    7 1/2" embroidered

    Aslan: Not A Tame Lion
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - I love T.V. photo SoSIhearttv_zps1fe408e8.jpg

    Cobert: TRUTHINESS
    Stephen Colbert: TRUTHINESS
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" Embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - Star Trek photo SoSStarTrek_zps73a516b4.jpg

    Star Trek Uniform - Voyager
    Star Trek Uniform - Voyager
    by nestedthreads
    10" paper pieced
    Star Trek Uniform -TNG
    Star Trek Uniform - TNG
    by nestedthreads
    10" paper pieced

     photo TheCommandTeambyRachelMcGlone_zps76a2a5b0.jpg
    The Command Team
    by Rachel McGlone
    5" embroidered

    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered
    by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
    7" paper pieced

     photo SoSHarryPotter_zpsb3a7d9e7.jpg

    I Must Not Tell Lies
    I Must Not Tell Lies
     by Thorn Trace
    from Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix
    8"x8" embroidered

    by Thorn Trace
    From Harry Potter & The Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone (movie)
    8"x8" embroidered

    Backwards by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
    from Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
    7" embroidered

    Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
    Never trust anything... by Jennifer Ofenstein
    from Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
    7" embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - I love Musicals photo SoSIheartmusicals_zps09480994.jpg

    Mos-es Sup-pos-es
    from Singing in the Rain
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered

    Captain Hammer by Brad photo captainhammer_zps5f4a0095.jpg
    by Brad Felber

    Summer of Stitching - Star Wars photo SoSStarWars_zpsa5646527.jpg

    C3P0 - We're Doomed
    C3P0 - We're Doomed
    (with bonus quote - "Let the Wookiee Win")
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered

    Summer of Stitching - Game of Thrones photo SoSGameofThrones_zpsf6e1144c.jpg

    Game of Thrones: The Eons
    by Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered

    GOT Hand of the king
    Game of Thrones: Hand of the King
    by Abbie LaBatt Dansereau

    Summer of Stitching - I love Disney photo SoSIheartDisney_zps542b721d.jpg

    Cross Stitch Young Rapunzel photo xstitchyoungrapunzelbylisabeckley_zps7438ac18.jpg
    Young Rapunzel
    from Tangled
    by Lisa Beckley
    Cross Stitch

    Cross Stitch Olaf photo xstitcholafbylisabeckley_zps51f968cb.jpg
    from Frozen
    by Lisa Beckley
    Cross Stitch

    MonstersInc Stitch2
    by Julia Murtha
    6" embroidered

    by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
    10" paper pieced

    Kiss The Girl (embroidery)
    from The Little Mermaid
    Jennifer Ofenstein
    7" embroidered

    Jiminy Post-rinse & color
    Jiminy Cricket
    from Pinocchio 
    by Julia Murtha
    7 1/2" x 7" embroidered

    by Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir
    10" paper pieced

     photo DrFacilier-AmyRobles_zpsd030a337.jpg
    from The Princess and the Frog
    by Lynne Schwarz
    tested by Amy Robles

     photo HadesfromHercules1_zpsb9539f5c.jpeg
    from Hercules
    by Lynne Schwarz
    tested by Joanne Harris

     photo HooktestedbyJoanne_zps01db1648.jpg
    from Peter Pan
    by Lynne Schwarz
    tested by Raven Hawthorne and Joanne Harris (pictured)

     photo LadyTremaine-AlexandraCirinna_zpsff59648f.jpg
    from Cinderella
    by Lynne Schwarz
    tested by Alexandra Cirinna
    10" paper pieced

     photo Maleficent-AlexandraCirinna_zpscd7ddf72.jpg
    from Sleeping Beauty
    by Lynne Schwarz
    tested by Alexandra Cirinna
    10" paper pieced

    2014 Summer of Stitching Tees

    The winning Designer for The Summer of Stitching 2014 is Thorn Trace!

    Congratulations and THANK YOU for sharing your designs. Look for a message from me about how to claim your prize. Winner chosen via Random.org.


    Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.

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