Welcome back to Throwback Thursday on Fandom In Stitches! Each week, we revisit our fandom roots by sharing an updated version of one pattern from way back before FiS was A Thing!
Today's pattern was not only one of the very first Harry Potter inspired patterns I personally ever designed, it's the first one I shared on Harry Potter Paper Piecing, a Livejournal community, and the predecessor to Fandom in Stitches!
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Quill, Version 1 by Jennifer Ofenstein
2006 (L) & 2014 (R)
5" paper pieced, Updated 2014
Today's pattern was the first first pattern posted on Harry Potter Paper Piecing in 2007. It included the following message:
I've been toying for some time with starting a community specifically for my quilt patterns. I've made over 100 Harry Potter themed paper pieced quilt patterns to date and while I know others have used the patterns posted on my website, I've never specificially asked anyone to test these patterns for me.
What I really need is feedback and to see how these patterns work for quilters other than myself.
To sweeten the deal, I will be having a drawing at the end of every month for "Tester of the Month." Any person that tests one or more pattern and then posts photos here will be entered into to win a pack of fat quarters! In addition to that, I really look forward to seeing different fabric choices and interpretations!
Love Harry Potter? We have the largest collection of Harry Potter-inspired quilt patterns anywhere online. And? Fandom In Stitches patterns are, and will always be FREE. Love our website?
Don't quilt alone! Join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness on the Fandom In Stitches Facebook Group!
Share photos of your blocks and other projects you have made using Fandom In Stitches patterns with our flickr group for a chance to win one of our fabulous monthly prizes! You receive one entry for each project. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win.

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