TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

As You Wish: Buttercup

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Welcome Pirates, Princesses and The Six Fingered Man!

Welcome Giants and Sword Fighters and Miracle Workers! 

Every two weeks, on Wednesdays between now and May 7, we will present two patterns, one paper pieced and one hand embroidered, each designed by Fandom in Stitches Designers.

Each of these wonderful designs will represent characters from one of our favorite movies here on FiS, The Princess Bride!

Want to design your own Princess Bride patterns? We will celebrate the conclusion of this fabulous event with a Design Invitational (with prizes!) in April. We encourage you to save your original designs for this special event!

Without further ado, The Princess Bride herself, Buttercup!

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Buttercup, designed by Elizabeth at Such A Sew & Sew.
7" paper pieced & embroidered
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Pattern Difficulty is rated out of 5.

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Buttercup Quote designed by Elizabeth at Such A Sew & Sew 
pattern includes simple, intermediate and advanced
7" finished, hand embroidered
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Both patterns are in one easy-to-print PDF document. For best results, print without scaling.

Elizabeth at Such A Sew & Sew recommends these helpful tutorials:
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Quilt layouts designed by Jennifer Ofenstein.
For the first time ever, we offer you not one, but two, quilt options for the blocks presented over the course of As You Wish!
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Each two blocks (for example, the two Buttercup designs in this post) can be made into a unit to create one larger block. Those blocks will be combined to make one of two quilts, the Pieced Quilt on the left or the Book Quilt on the right.  Each layout includes optional blocks to add your own designs or to include designs from the upcoming Design Invitational!   Quilt sizes and fabric amounts are included in each respective pattern. Which will you choose?

As You Wish has been a combined effort of the following designers. Share your love and appreciation by visiting them online:
flickr prize
In addition to our usual monthly flickr prize, we will also be awarding a fun pack of DMC embroidery floss to one Quilt & Stitch-Along participant per month! Actual thread may vary. Share photos of your AYW Quilt & Stitch-Along blocks with our flickr group to win! One entry per block. Only photos posted to flickr are eligible to win. Shared photos are also eligible to win our regular monthly prize. Winners chosen the last Tuesday of the month.
Follow us on Facebook for the latest pattern updates and fun from your Fandom In Stitches Designers!
Don't quilt alone! Join us for quilty discussions and fandomy goodness on the Fandom In Stitches Facebook Group!
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Fandom In Stitches and it's designers do not hold copyright on any of the fandom titles represented on this site. Respective Designers reserve copyright on patterns only and request that out of respect for the fandoms we love, that you use them for personal and non-profit reasons only. The Designers at Fandom In Stitches receive no payment for any of the patterns posted and expressly forbid resale.


  1. I'm so excited about these patterns and have been really anxiously awaiting the start. And these first two are SO great! I have one question that I'm almost embarrassed to ask. I haven't embroidered in years....as in years I mean before internet was an option. What is the best way to get the pattern onto the fabric? That's my first little dilemma. Thanks again for bringing my favorite movie to life in a new way!

    1. I just trace mine onto the fabric using a fine point mechanical pencil.

      Can't wait to see your blocks!

      xo -E

    2. We have a list of useful links on the Quilting Help page. There are several different techniques, depending on your preferences. I'll add this to the post...should have done that the first time! ;) http://www.fandominstitches.com/2011/05/help.html

    3. I have a chalk cartridge set from JoAnn's that I use...that way it washes off easy!


  2. these are GREAT!!! Can't wait to get started!

    1. Elizabeth definitely started us off with a bang! It's going to be a fun, fun event. :)

  3. I wasn't sure I was going to do this one...but seeing the first patterns and the layouts convinced me...time to get stitching!!!! (and maybe take a trip to JoAnn's)

    1. Say it with me, WE WILL QUILT TOGETHER! You know you need a Princess Bride quilt!

  4. That book layout could be use for other themed quilts too! I like it a lot.

    1. I won't lie, I thought about that when I was drafting it! Glad you like!

    2. I love the book layout too!

      xo -E

  5. It's AMAZING! I LOVE the book layout! I almost called in sick to work today, but alas, I have to wait 9 whole hours!

    I haven't done this type of embroidery before, but I'm comfortable with a needle, and excited to dive in to a new skill. I looked at the tutorials, but didn't find an answer: do you just use regular fabric?

    Thanks for the new adventure! You guys rock!

    1. So glad you're excited! Yes, absolutely, regular cotton quilting fabric works great. I personally like a piece of muslin on the back of my fabric to help hide the thread a little better.

      Have fun!

    2. So do you sandwich the fabrics together before stitching or after?

    3. Before. I use a little washable glue to hold the layers together.

    4. Thanks for the quick replies! One more question, how big do I cut my square before embroidering it?

    5. You'll trim the blocks to 7 1/2" after you embroider. I like about an inch all the way around for hooping, so 9 or so inches should do it.

  6. Thanks so much for all the info on transferring the embroidery patterns onto fabric. It's nice to have a few options. Not sure which one I'll start with yet. But....now another question has arisen in my brain that I've never thought of until this project.....are there any problems with embroidery floss' wash ability? Does it tend to run onto the fabric at all? Are some brands more stable than others? I know that a lot of quilts have embroidery on them, just wondered if there were any pointers along that line.

    1. I personally have only used DMC and have had no problems at all. I do, however, wash all of my quilts with Shout Color Catchers (usually 2 per quilt) just to be safe!

    2. DMC threads are guaranteed colour-fast, but they have this to say on their blog:

      Q: Is your thread color fast or do I need to set it before cross stitching with it?
      A: All of our threads are color fast and fade resistant. However, some stitchers pre-wash embroidery floss before stitching. If you would like to, follow these instructions:
      - Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with 8 oz. of clear water
      - Soak entire skein in vinegar and clear water
      - If thread has any excess dye in it, the water will show discoloration, (the water will turn the same color as thread)
      - After soaking, take the thread out of the water/vinegar mixture and make sure it is completely dry before using.

      Also, most hand-dyed/over-dyed (and some variegated) threads are NOT colour-fast. But in my experience, they'll usually say so on the label if that's the case.

    3. After I finish an embroidered piece, I hand wash it in cool to warm water and haven't had any problems. And I almost always include an embroidered label on the backs of my quilts and have never had any problem with the floss fading or running, but I also wash everything in cold water, which also helps if colors run.

  7. Oh my, looks like I'll have to dust off my embroidery skills because I love, love, love that book layout!

  8. I LOVE your book layout Jennifer! I'm going to QAL but probably skip the embroidery. BUT I'm litterally having VISIONS of stuffing some of your HP blocks into that book layout.... :D

  9. love the first block Elizabeth :) Can't wait until i can get started on it.

  10. Wow. This is incredible.
    Friends just had a Princess Bride themed wedding.

    Will there be any sneak peeks, or just the 2 week intervals?
    Could you estimate a time and/or difficulty level for the whole project?

    I'm really interested, but often find myself losing momentum during a QAL event and find it easier when I have a better idea of what I am getting myself into.

  11. The second layout looks perfect for all kinds of book related projects, it looks amazing!

  12. I noticed a great sale on DMC going on this weekend, is there any way we can get a list of all the colors that will be used so we can get them all ahead of time? Thanks!

  13. Really impressive. I'm always inspired my embroidery but feel that I may lack the patience to apply myself properly. I love your colour combinations.

  14. Thank you! I have to admit that my embroidery work does not look the same on the back as it does on the front .... however, as I have done more stitching lately, it is looking better on the back. So, I guess all I have to suggest is be patient with yourself and practice! Good luck!!


Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!