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Friday, January 4, 2013

Not All Who Wander Are Lost - Month 1


Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness Bind them
In the Land of Mordor were the Shadows lie.
~The Fellowship of The Ring

So begins The Lord of The Rings and I thought it a proper beginning to our block(s) of the month.
Welcome to the first month of Not All Who Wander Are Lost. We hope you are ready for a whole year of wandering together through J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece 'The Lord of The Rings.
Every first Friday of every month in 2013 I will post new Not All Who Wander Are Lost patterns and in December you will (hopefully) have 29 finished blocks and a layout so you can finish your Quilt just in time for Christmas :P

 Bag End, by Breanne Cremean


Weathertop Daphne Seymour

Pattern 3 (replacement block)

Not All Who Wander Are Lost is a collaboration between seven designers Breanne Cremean, Regina Grewe, Daphne Seymour, Michelle Thompson, Schenley Pilgram, Jennifer Ofenstein, and
Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir. Replacement blocks provided by Daphne Seymour (2016).

All patterns are paper pieced. A little lost? We have a full list of tutorials and other helpful information about paper piecing on our Help! page.

Join us in sharing the adventure over on the Fandom In Stitches flickr group were everyone can share their versions of each block and get inspiration from others.
If you need help or just want to share the awesomeness you can also join our Facebook group 

untill next month
Happy Sewing


  1. It's NAWWAL day!!!

    Woo!!! *toddles off to print patterns*

  2. Checking and rechecking today - totally worth it. The Weathertop is beautiful!^^

  3. This will be so much fun, thank you!

  4. Since i have FINALLY read the book now - i am very tempted to start this one. See how i go!

  5. This is a favorite book for my whole family. Bought it 32 years ago and read it to my young boys. Now as fathers, they are reading it to their children. Can't wait to make this quilt. Thank you so much


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