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Friday, December 14, 2012

Good things come to those who wait

not all banner

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light form the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.


This is The poem that sticks with me when thinking about The Lord Of The Rings. It is probably my favorite of JRR Tolkiens poems (the ones I have read that is) So when it came to finding a name for our new BOM Project to follow 'There and back again'. 'Not All That Wander Are Lost' was really (to me) the logical thing to name it.

Starting January 4th 2013 Fandom In Stitches will be hosting another Block of the month project this time based on Lord of the rings by JRR Tolkien. Every first Friday each month through out 2013 I will post new patterns. Yes I said Patterns!
Most months there will be three but some months there will only be one pattern but then it will be bigger than the others.

At the end of the year you should have 29 different patterns and instructions how to finish your quilt.

We have a few more designers this time than last time, we have our original 4 Jennifer Ofenstein, Michelle Thompson, Schenley Pilgram and me Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir.
then we have 3 new amazing additions to the team. Daphne Seymour, Regina Grewe and Breanne Cremean.

We all hope you will join us on this wonderful adventure over the next 12 months. and I look forward to seeing all your unique versions of this new quilt.

See you all on January 4th with the first post of Not All Who Wander Are Lost BOM


  1. woohoo, that is a lot of patterns, can't wait!

  2. Excited, excited, excited!!! I wanna go fabric shopping right now, but I'll be patient.
    No, not really. I can't wait^

  3. This... is going to be amazing. Not only is The Lord of the Rings my favorite movie (or movies), this will also help ease my wait time for the next Hobbit movie! To say I'm excited for this quilt is an understatement!


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