TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blog Hop Party Winner!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

What an amazing time the Blog Hop Party has been for Fandom In Stitches! We had fabulous comments from all over the world and every one was entered to win our fun prize. 

We are thrilled to announce that our winner, by random drawing, is sandrascraftcorner! Look for an email from Fandom In Stitches regarding your prize!
The winning comment, chosen by random drawing!


Wingless Wyrm

Our fabulous Blog Hop Party Give Away is sponsored by our sister site, Sewhooked. The winner will receive a copy of the pattern Wingless Wyrm, designed by Fandom In Stitches designer and owner of Sewhooked, Jennifer Ofenstein. The winner will also receive a collection of fabrics perfect for making up this fun fantasy pattern! Fabrics include selections in various sizes of Robert Kaufman, Moda and various batiks.  

Month 4: January 4, 2012

Join us for our Hobbit-themed block of the month, There and Back Again, presented the first Wednesday of each month. For all previous posts, just click on the banner.

Thank you so much to everyone that visited and commented. We hope you'll come back soon! 


Hi there! If you are not logged into a Google account, your comment may show up as "anonymous user" which can make it hard for us to help! If you're looking for answers, the fastest way to get what you need is to email the designer listed on your pattern, ask in our Fandom in Stitches Facebook group, or email admin@fandominstitches.com. Happy stitching!