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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Many Happy Returns

from TORN:

Today marks the 74th anniversary of the publication of the Hobbit by George Allen & Unwin. It was on 21 September, 1937 that the first copies of this now-famous fantasy tale rolled off the presses and into the shops.

What, you still haven't read The Hobbit?

READ IT. Seriously. It's awesome.

There and Back Again is officially less than two weeks away, and I know you want to be ready.

No time to read? May I recommend the audio book version of The Hobbit, performed by Rob Inglis? It is, in my opinion, one of the best audio book performances of all time. He also reads The Lord of the Rings audio books. Both, unabridged, of course!


Have you made cool fandom stuff from FiS patterns? Post photos in our Flickr Group and you might see them here on Fandom In Stitches!

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  1. I've never listened to an audio book, but these would make great listening! I'll have to look around for them.

  2. The Hobbit was the first audio book I ever listened to, and it got me hooked!

  3. My family is totally addicted to audio books. So when I went back to work one of the first purchases I made with "My" money was lord of the rings on cd - I think it cost me around $150 by far the most I've ever spent on an audio book but sooooo worth it - it's about 45 cd's long. But it's awesome. We also have the Hobbit which gets played a lot in my house.

  4. I agree, amazing, and totally worth it. I bought The Hobbit brand new, but was able to find the LotR sets at a local used book shop. I have them all!
