TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared on fandominstitches.com are derivative art created by fans and are free for your personal & non-profit use ONLY.  Patterns
 are not to be used for distribution, resale, or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc), or for-profit classes using these patterns. By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms. For more info, please visit our FAQ page. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There and Back Again - An Announcement

"In fact I will go so far as to send you on this adventure. 
Very amusing for me, very good for you - 
and profitable too, very likely, if you ever get over it."  
~ Gandalf the Grey to Bilbo Baggins

Yes, indeed, you read the banner correctly! Fandom In Stitches will be hosting our first Block of the Month (BOM) project in honor of one of our favorite books, JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit!

There and Back Again is a collaborative effort between four Fandom In Stitches designers, Michelle Thompson, Lilja Björk Sigurdórsdóttir, Schenley Pilgram, and yours truly, Jennifer Ofenstein. Read more about FiS Designers.

Starting on October 5, 2011 and on the first Wednesday of each of the following 12 months, we will share a paper pieced quilt pattern that will all go toward one awesome Hobbit-themed quilt! At the end of the BOM, you will have 13 blocks and we will share finishing instructions, which includes the layout that we have created for this completely awesome Fandom quilt!

What do you need to do to get ready for this project? Read The Hobbit, because it's awesome, of course! Learn to paper piece, if you don't already know how. You can find all you need to know about paper piecing by visiting our Help page, where we have lots of useful links to our favorite tutorials!

Do you have friends that you think would enjoy There and Back Again? Share the Hobbity-goodness by copying and pasting the html of your choice to your own blog or website!

Once we get started, you'll be invited to share your BOM photos with our Flickr group for a chance to win a fabulous monthly prize. If you're interested in being a prize sponsor, drop us an email.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr or join our Block of the Month community on Livejournal and share your own There and Back Again experience!

As with all the patterns available on Fandom In StitchesThere and Back Again is a fan effort, brought to you completely free of charge. All patterns are intended for personal, non-profit use only out of respect to the fandoms we love.



  1. Fabulous!!! I am at the last chapter of the book now, and have had so many "quilty" and "cardy" ideas as I have been reading.
    Best book ever...

  2. I've been re-reading, too. The Hobbit was my first "favorite" book and it's awesome to get to work on a BOM with such great designers!

  3. Very exciting!!! I can't wait to see what you all come up with :0)

  4. This will be sooooo awesome! I have to see if I can keepvthis on a secret from the hubs cause this will be his Christmas gift next year . * let the plotting begin* hehe

  5. What a great gift it would make, now can you keep it secret?!

  6. OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! -- I've been waiting and waiting for this day! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

  7. It's kind of hard to believe it took this long to get to a Tolkien-themed event, doesn't it? Especially with my very Tolkien-y background!

  8. OMG! I am so excited about this idea! I love the Hobbit and have re-read it multiple times. Read it to both my children when they were young. I am looking forward to making this quilt - I just put your button up on my blog.

    :) Linda

  9. ‎(¯`♥´¯) .♥.•*¨`*•♫.•´*.¸.•´♥
    `*.¸.*´ ABSOLUTELY... POSITIVELY .✫¨´`'*°☆.
    *.¸.•´♥..( ( ♥AWESOME♥ ) ) ♥`☆•¸¸¸¸.☆¨
    `☆•¸¸¸¸.☆¨...I CANT WAIT!!!!!
    ..( ( ♥ WHAT A WONDERFUL ♥ ) )
    ..( ( ♥ FANDOM TO EXPLORE!! ♥。♥☆*.¸.•´♥

  10. And I am very excited that you're excited! Thanks for commenting!
