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Thursday, June 30, 2011

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

The Hunger Games Catching Fire Mockingjay
Hunger Games patterns designed by Jennifer Ofenstein
Mockingjay pieced by Mary G.

Looking for a fantastic summer read? If you haven't picked up The Hunger Games, make sure to snap it up and read this awesome series before it hits movie theaters next year. It's been a huge hit in my household after my then-sixth-grader introduced the entire family to this dynamic dystopian narrative.

Get more these patterns and more on the Sci-Fi/Fantasy page!

Have you made cool fandom stuff from FiS patterns? Post photos in our Flickr Group and you might see them here on Fandom In Stitches!


  1. I'm rather excited to have found these blocks! I've only just finished reading The Hunger Games last night.

    May the odds be ever in your favor!

    xoxo Kim

  2. Thanks, Kim! It's an awesome series...enjoy the rest!


  3. One of my friends recommended the series to me a while back, and I read the first book. I asked for the last two for my birthday, and left my copy of Hunger Games at home for my sister. My mom then read it, and then right after giving the other to me she started reading my copy of Catching Fire. Which I then forgot at home, because it was up in her bedroom!

    Anyway, I was home this weekend and we went to a quilt shop together, and she was saying I should make Hunger Games blocks (and started listing ideas, like Buttercup). I said, "Didn't you see the link I posted to your wall? Jen already designed patterns based on the three covers!" I whipped out my phone and showed her. She loved them :-)


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